The DeeTs

Make this blog your go-to for everything from the best ways to stay fit during finals to exactly happens to our sun-soaked campus when it rains. Come for the tidbits, stay for our two-cents on college life at USC.

Why I Call Myself a Feminist

I’m going to be honest: until recently, I’d always felt somewhat uncomfortable with the word “feminism.” As someone who’s pretty outspoken about the subtle and not-so-subtle inequities between men and women in society, I’d feel guilty when I found myself cringing every time someone asked me if I was a feminist and I’d answer proudly, […]

Sips Tea: Started From The Bottom Now We…Where?

This week, like many of the past seven weeks, I went to class, I went to work, I had a few cups of coffees in between (Coffee Bean #regrets), and I asked myself what the meaning of my life was. Looking back a few episodes in this telenovela I call my life, I was celebrating […]

Living in a dorm with no AC

“How are you not dying of heat? I can barely breathe in here.” “I don’t know; this is the best it has felt all week. I even felt a little chilly today.” “You have grown too accustomed to this heat. I am genuinely worried about you.” This was the conversation that took place as my […]

Ask Hahney: Financial Hardships

Q: I am going through a tough financial time where I’m struggling to pay for college while working as many shifts as I can, and my ends still aren’t meeting. I don’t want to leave school with student loans piled on my back, but at the same time I can’t afford to stay at college even […]

LA Adventures: Santa Monica

  Even as someone who isn’t from the country, I feel like I know Santa Monica. Don’t we all? We know the pier and the carnival rides, and the women that stroll along the beach in the heat of the day selling sliced mango and cheap towels. We know about the 3rd street promenade and […]

Sips Tea: How To Spice Up Your Vocabulary and Your Life

Now that I am comfortably back on my couch and not experiencing level five road rage during my commute from work in West Hollywood to Downtown, let’s all take a deep inhale and a sip of our tea. This week saw me in crisis mode. From preparing for three midterms I had this week to […]

Ask Hahney: Procrastination Woes

Q: Confession: I am the biggest procrastinator ever. How can I keep on track and be productive without the crazy crunch time anxiety? Ahhh the good ol’ balance between procrastination and productivity. The journey of every college student … and the theme song of my life. If you’re trying to keep all of your tasks […]