Photography Blog

Sweet sounds

The USC Thornton Concert Orchestra plays in Bovard Auditorium on Wednesday night. The orchestra performed the Nabucco Overture by Giuseppe Verdi, “Night on Bald Mountain” by Modeste Mussorgsky and “From the New World” by Antonin Dvorak.

Breaking barriers

President C.L. Max Nikias (center) and USC parent Walter Kortschak (right) cut the ribbon at the dedication of the new USC Kortschak Center on Thursday.  The center will provide academic support services for students with dyslexia and other learning challenges.

True colors

Deb Berman, a senior majoring in fine arts, performs “Doodle,” a spontaneous art event where USC students were invited to draw on Berman with paint and marker, near Tommy Trojan on Monday. She said she hopes to display photos and video footage in Watt Hall.

Money ball

The Alpha Chi Omega and AFROTC Ladies teams rush for their ammunition during a charity dodgeball tournament hosted by the USC Navy ROTC on Friday. More than a dozen teams participated in the event, which raised money for schools in Afghanistan.

Spreading goodwill

Scott MacDougall (left), a junior majoring in business administration, and Megan Waters, a junior majoring in political science, make sandwiches for the Midnight Mission as part of Greek Week, which ends on Friday with the Greek Gala.

Cheap shot

Wai Ki Li, a junior majoring in economics, receives a free flu shot on Thursday from the Los Angeles Department of Public Health. For more information, read the Campus Now blog at

Three’s company

Cellist Alexia Pia Gerlach of Trio Solisti plays alongside pianist Jon Klibonoff and violinist Maria Bachmann, not pictured, in Bovard Auditorium on Monday night at an event hosted by USC Spectrum. The trio’s members often perform as soloists with orchestras.