Pole Vaulting Through Life

Everyone has different goals in college and I compare this to pole vault sports. Everyone has different heights of poles depending on what their goals are.

Seasons in LA

LA weather, we only have “one season year-round” but cycle through 4 different seasons within a single day.

The Weekly Frame II: Spooky

From frat row to Parkside Restaurant, you never know what will jump out at you. In the spooky spirit of this time of year, if you look out at campus with a sinister eye, you might just spot all that is lurking in the shadows.

The Weekly Frame II: People of USC

Thousands of opportunities for connection are missed on a daily basis, so staff photographers Kayden-Harmony Greenstein, Maryam Rahimie and Zongyi Wang took a step to bring just a few of the faces of USC to the limelight in “The Weekly Frame: People of USC.”

The Weekly Frame II: Elements

Water and fire: polar opposites yet so similar in their powers. Both of them have the ultimate power to create and to destroy, bring comfort and fear.

The Weekly Frame: A Moment in Time

In a unique and new collaboration, college newspapers teamed up to capture one hour of time across the country.

The Weekly Frame: Depth

Regardless of the flatness of the image, skilled photographers can work to make the image feel real and full of life.