Daily Trojan receives 11 state awards

The Daily Trojan won a total of 11 awards on Saturday from the California College Media Association, including two first-place honors and placing second best newspaper. 

The first place awards include Best Newspaper Column for Marlize Duncan’s “The Minority Support,” published Fall 2020, which tackled overlooked Black, Indigenous creatives and creatives of color in the entertainment industry and Best Features Story for Eileen Toh’s “Behind the Scenes: A closer look at SCA’s rigorous culture” published Spring 2020. 

Second place awards included Best COVID-19 coverage for the work of Andrea Klick, Natalie Oganesyan, Eileen Toh, Lauren Mattice, Julia Lin and Maria Tsiao. The Daily Trojan also placed second for Best Newspaper Front Page Design for Ally Wei and Claire Wong’s work on the summer orientation issue in Summer 2020, and Best Sports Photograph for James Wolfe’s shot, “Trojans triumph over Arizona at Galen Center,” in Spring 2020. 

Third place awards were given for Best Multimedia Package to Vincent Leo, James Wolfe, Nicole Ng, and Megan Friedenberg’s “Physical Restricted, Distantly Connected” photo story published Fall 2020 and Best Special Issue / Section for “A long way from home” which featured stories about international students in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, published Spring 2020. The Daily Trojan also placed third for Best Overall Newspaper Design, Best Photo Series by Ling Luo and Lauren Mattice for “Community, students call for USC accountability” and Best Non-Breaking News Story for Stuart Carson’s profile on Viet Thanh Nguyen “‘Write like you are the majority’” published Fall 2020.