Where to watch the 2022 midterms

From 5 to 9:30 p.m. in the lobby of Wallis Annenberg Hall, many organizations on campus, including the Annenberg Media Center, Trojan Democrats, USC College Republicans and the USC Dornsife Center for the Political Future, will be sponsoring a large election day watch party. (Beth Mosch | Daily Trojan file photo)

Breaking News Writer

USC students may find themselves eagerly awaiting many race results that could greatly reshape the United States’ political landscape on Election Day Tuesday. While viewers will not find out the full results immediately after the polls close, many may have the desire to watch returns occur in real time — accompanied by live, expert analysis. 

The Daily Trojan has compiled a list of ways to view the 2022 midterm election results live on campus:

The Election Day Watch Party in Wallis Annenberg Hall

From 5-9:30 p.m. in the lobby of Wallis Annenberg Hall, many organizations on campus including the Annenberg Media Center, Trojan Democrats, USC College Republicans and the USC Dornsife Center for the Political Future will be sponsoring a large election day watch party. Bob Shrum, director of the USC Center for the Political Future and Christina Bellantoni, the director of USC Annenberg’s Media Center, will host the event. According to its description on the USC event calendar, “several more VIP panelists will be on site for real- time election result analysis and impromptu conversations with attendees.” 

Attendees must register in advance and present a corresponding ID (student or driver’s license) at the door. Dinner will be provided.

Televisions on campus 

USC is fortunate to have many televisions readily available in buildings around campus, some of which are available for students to control. All residential dining halls have televisions which may broadcast the news at any given time, and the USC Village Dining Hall usually has at least one TV tuned to a news station.

In dorms, lounge areas may contain televisions which students can tune to news channels themselves. Or, if they prefer, TVs with HDMI ports allow students to plug in their computers with a particular livestream running. 

Campus classrooms

Another way to gather with friends or a club and watch the results come in is by taking over or reserving one of USC’s many classrooms. As all of USC’s “general assignment” (standard layout) classrooms come with basic audio/visual setups. All students need to do is hook up a computer and tune into the livestream of their choice. 

Ideally, requests should be made one week in advance and will take approximately two days to process, but if students still wish to try to reserve a classroom they should email [email protected] or call (213) 740-4612. Requests should include the student’s department, event name, day they need the room, start and end times, number of seats needed, room type, any particular building preferences as well as personal information such as their name, extension, campus address and email address.