Why we’re voting yes for our union

USC postdoctoral scholars urge you to research prior to June 20-21 union voting.

USC reinforces the carceral state

The University’s criminalization of students demonstrates its distorted sense of justice.

Stop the silencing: Let student voices be heard

Former USC Valedictorians condemn the administration’s repression of free speech on campus and call for a public apology to Asna Tabassum.

Asna Tabassum: Class of 2024 commencement address

The Class of 2024 valedictorian shared the speech she hoped to deliver during the now-canceled May 10 Commencement Ceremony with Annenberg Media and the Daily Trojan.

Don’t just walk by

USC’s "Gaza Solidarity Camp" is a space worth fighting for.

USC: This is a teachable moment

The April 24 pro-Palestinian protest did not disrupt student life; it is at its very heart.

We cannot trust you, Provost Guzman and President Folt

An open letter from Annenberg professor Mike Ananny to Provost Andrew Guzman and President Carol Folt.

An open letter to my brother who refuses to vote

The power of youth voting will significantly impact the future of our democracy.

Punishing personal opinions is the first step toward authoritarianism

I cofounded the resistance to genocide minor. It is appalling that USC has caved to unfounded accusations against the valedictorian.

USC has been foolishly consistent on campus free expression

The University’s decision to bar the valedictorian from speaking echoes its stifling of John Strauss’ free speech.

Student organizations say: Let our valedictorian speak at commencement

Our open letter has been co-signed by 65 University student and local organizations.

The choice between safety and free speech is a false one

If USC was able to protect Ben Shapiro in 2018, they can protect Asna Tabassum — not doing so is a choice.

USC is not equipped for earthquakes

Classrooms need safe desks and chairs that will protect students in an earthquake.

Justice requires smart decarceration

Rehabilitation and reentry are central to an equitable criminal justice system.

Student organization offers free tax preparation assistance

Marshall has an opportunity to support USC VITA’s Program.

It’s time to blame desks rather than our bodies

Plus-size students face a lack of size-inclusive desks, threatening their well-being.

California offers support for disabled students

Government programs offer disabled students financial help with higher education.

South Central youth deserve safe futures

A glaring lack of youth security and development programs around USC reveals the urgent need for University-community collaboration.

Supreme Court weighs in on more than just homelessness in new case

The court’s decision could further curtail several other key constitutional rights.

Coping with mental health during wartime

Even spectating, war takes a toll so we must prioritize our mental health as well.

The urgent and the important: How to talk about Israel and Gaza

We must fulfill all of our moral obligations, even if we can’t do it all at once.

LA’s healthcare needs an intervention

The County is now facing a profound crisis of disparity in quality healthcare access.

Don’t silence ‘Dreamers’

We must advocate for the implementation of pro-DACA legislation in Los Angeles.

Political science students call for faculty diversity

Students of color mobilized to email over 100 Black and Latine professors across the US seeking a more diverse faculty.
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