Tag Archive for: comics

Superhero genre fulfills potential with comics

Superheroes and comic books: The two are almost inseparable. There are more to comic books than superheroes, and those series and genres should definitely be looked at, but when it comes to the big companies and what many creators turn to, it’s superheroes. They’re the flagship titles and bulk of the Big Two, Marvel and […]

Single issues are not dying, but evolving

What’s the best way to tell a story? Last week, an article in the AV Club by Ryan McGee questioned if the rise in serialized television dramas had killed off the singular episode as a way of telling the story. McGee said that as longer storylines emerged, the basic episode stopped being its own story, […]

Cultural stigmas limit comic book audience

When people think of comics, most unfortunately hold very dated and cliché views of the medium. That’s why so many articles and superhero movie reviews have the trite words “Pow!” “Wham!” “Bam!” headlines. This has some unfortunate consequences: Parents taking their kids to very mature films like The Dark Knight or Watchmen, for example, because […]

Diverse comics top superhero storylines

When people think of comic books, they tend to think of superheroes. It’s not surprising; the superhero genre originated in comic books. It was the dominant genre after censorship in the 1950s restricted the industry, and now the phrase “comic book movie” is used synonymously with “superhero movie.” But comics are about more than this […]

Comic prequel receives backlash

Last week, DC Comics dropped a bombshell by announcing the Before Watchmen line, a set of miniseries designed to serve as a prequel to the landmark 1986 series. The seven titles, plus a stand-alone wrap-up issue, are set for release this year and the announcement set off a flurry of heated discussion among comic book […]

Horror genre makes comeback within mainstream comics

It might seem like superheroes are dominating comic books more than ever. DC and Marvel are benefitting from big-budget adaptations, and DC just had a fresh relaunch of its main superhero-focused line, New 52, and Dynamite Comics is focusing on classic pulp stars like The Shadow and Zorro. The genre that has truly been reborn […]

Comic book industry in the midst of change

Books, more than any other medium, seem to be embracing the digital revolution. But even more so than prose novels, the comic book industry is looking to move beyond its traditional format. Whereas e-readers like the Kindle or Nook really just transcribe the pages to a screen, comic book writers are finding new ways to […]