Tag Archive for: Feisty Woman

The best thing to wear is confidence

False eyelashes are the equivalent to the killer leather jacket or pair of shoes you need to wear when dressing up — simple on its own, yet capable of turning you from “clean” to “on-point.” Better yet, accessories like these not only make you look good, but also feel good. So when my dear friend […]

Buffet Values in the Dating Scene

My first few days at USC I was in awe, stepping foot on a campus that was so surreal and beautiful. But it wasn’t the architecture or the incredibly green landscape; I was joyfully perplexed by all the attractive students here. I felt as if Urban Outfitters’ model database exploded on campus but for security’s […]

Dating comes with a side of racial profiling

I have never truly been “single,” unless you want to count middle school and any time before that. Middle school Danielle — brace-faced, basketball shorts everyday — was the definition of #singleAF. So until everyone starts considering their middle school Xanga relationships as serious ones, I’m not counting. Up until the most recent season of my […]