
There’s always room for debate on topics ranging from politics to philosophy to culture at USC. Join the conversation on both the big-ticket news items and local goings-on!

Love, hate and the human soul

Many prominent realms of academia (the sciences and, ironically, the “progressive” humanities) are ever eager to dismiss considerations of the human soul, and if I were inclined to acknowledge mankind as merely the most evolved in a hierarchy of spiritless beasts, I would have to renounce my fascination with art, with identity, with the distinctly […]

Cards Against Humanity: The game of a generation

“What gives me uncontrollable gas?” “Auschwitz.” The statement precedes a brief period of silence followed by ebullient laughter. There are few games more highly treasured to the college student than Cards Against Humanity, the card game in which players fill in a sentence given by a card with one of their own. The twist is […]

Expectations vs. Reality: Why the transition to college isn’t easy

I’m a freshman. I came to USC with my head held up high, ready for that once-in-a-life-time college experience; I was going to meet tons of new people and develop my passions. Then halfway through the semester, my enthusiasm hit a brick wall and college became a nightmare. There were a lot of reasons why […]

ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat truly gets the Asian American experience

After scrolling through my newsfeed and reading countless articles raving about the new ABC series Fresh Off the Boat, I felt it was my social obligation as an Asian American to check it out myself. But I’m ashamed to admit, it wasn’t at the top of my priorities, or even at the top of my […]

Truth, discovery and being very, very small

Philosophers have, for centuries, struggled to define truth. And so many theories and basic logical relationships rely on the basic assumption that something is true; namely, 2 + 1 = 3 because 2 indicates two things, 1 indicates one thing and 3 indicates three things. Whether that assumption is in line with reality is another […]