2012 race needs a governor

Though the presidential election is still more than a year away, citizens are starting to get a taste, after the Republican debate Tuesday, of who might be running against President Barack Obama as the Republican nominee.

Could it be Rick Perry? Mitt Romney? Michele Bachmann? I omit the others because some unforeseen event must occur for them to resurrect their hopes in the race.

Julia Vann | Daily Trojan

Despite efforts from the spectrum of candidates who have set forth their intentions of defeating the Obama administration, only two have any chance of pulling ahead of the Democrat whose support is slowly dwindling.

Perry and Romney seem to be the only candidates so far to whet the appetite of the Republican Party — Perry for his conservative ideals, and Romney for his mostly moderate, yet charismatic, standings against Obama.

Both are governors, and this is what makes them ideal candidates. Both have dealt with state legislatures, making deals and forming policies.

Members of the executive branch of our federal government should have the qualifications and experience necessary. No questions asked. At the state levels, governors learn to deal with state legislatures and courts. Therefore, it is natural for a governor to be more qualified than other candidates to run for president.

These candidates are pulling ahead and taking voters from Obama and other GOP candidates because of distinct factors that separate them from the rest of the pack.

Candidates who are House representatives, or even our current president, a former senator, are the people who began the bipartisan nature of our government that is in desperate need of fixing.

With Democrats and Republicans now ignoring the issues just to win the next election, this election calls for someone who can handle the pressure of leading the country.

For this country to be run properly and effectively, it should be run by a former governor — Republican or Democrat. A governor who takes the presidency will more likely be able to appease and negotiate smoothly with the other two branches of government — as opposed to a representative or senator who only knows the tricks to getting their party’s way.

A president should be flexible and understand the opposing party’s view. Yes, they can hold and stand for their ideology, but ultimately, they should stand for the country as a whole and work to bring the country’s diverse political stances together.

We do not need more bipartisanship. We do not need more political games. We need a governor as president who will heal our country and make it the great and powerful entity it used to be.


Steven Rahbany is a freshman majoring in music industry.

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