
Pakistani activist and former cricket star Imran Khan presents the platform for his political party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice), to the audience in Bovard Auditorium on Monday night.

Trojan fans undersold severity of USC’s issues

I’m sorry, really. We at the Daily Trojan — the editors, the writers, the columnists — along with seemingly every other media outlet and the rest of the country bought into USC’s hype this season. We got sucked up into everything, the whirlwind of the offseason, with the free agent-like addition of running back Silas […]

Artist brings touchy topics to public space

As the day slowly begins, an eye-catching red, white and black bus comes to a lurching halt at a stop right across from the University Village. If you noticed this bus, you actually noticed the work of a veritable artist, albeit on quite an unusual canvas. The careful placement of words and choice of colors […]