UCLA incident is indicative of larger issues

Four students, none of whom could be older than 22, smiled for a photo. Dressed like slick, young L.A. professionals, they struck poses that wouldn’t be out of place in an Instagram post. But upon closer inspection, it is clear that these students were criticizing the new federal guidance that allows transgender people to use bathrooms of their choice. “There are only two genders,” one sign read. “Get your agenda out of my restroom” the other read. And finally, “Transgenderism is a mental disorder.”

The women are members of the Bruin Republicans, attending an event at UCSB held by Young Americans for Liberty. Christian conservative writer Matt Walsh gave a talk entitled, “An Encroachment on Liberty: How the Left Exploits Transgender Laws” claiming that the transgender movement is, “based on lies, misguided desires and leftist narratives – not biological science,” according to the The College Fix. Walsh also claimed that the high suicide rate among transgender people was a result of “self-hatred” rather than the effects of bullying and harassment.

Undergraduate Student Government Senator Paul Samaha shared the aforementioned photo on Facebook last Monday, and by Friday it had reached more than 1,300 shares — making a small ripple in collegiate social media circles. Uncomfortable under the spotlight, the Bruin Republicans issued a statement saying that they are not responsible for the individual views of their members — including that of their vice president, who is holding one of the signs in the viral photo.

But these types of incidents simply echo the sentiment outside of the college sphere. The Republican Party is undergoing internal change and their increasingly intolerant sentiments are spreading to college campuses. In this case, a fine line was crossed again — one which eschewed conservatism and traditional values for inflammatory statements and reductive arguments. Support for small government, free market capitalism and religious freedoms have been replaced by base rhetoric and flamboyant shows of racism, sexism and xenophobia. This phenomenon is exemplified by presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, whose appeals to hatred and fear have not only disgusted the opposition but also alienated the party’s blue blood.

These current strategies are not new. In the wake of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, the GOP’s Southern strategy turned white Southerners against their black peers to garner votes for the party. As black Southerners pushed for progressive reform and equal treatment, the GOP pushed right back with incendiary rhetoric. The GOP began relying on scare tactics to take voters from the Democrats, and to solidify their base.

“The more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans,” said Kevin Phillips, President Nixon’s top strategist. “That’s where the votes are. Without that prodding from the blacks, the whites will backslide into their old comfortable arrangement with the local Democrats.”

And there are remnants of Southern Strategy still lingering  in our political system. When leftist movements gain traction, as they have done in the past few years, the right recoils with quite the fervor.

We have seen these types of movements on our own campus — when progressive policies were passed on a campus level, such as the campus climate resolution last year, we saw a backlash from conservative peers. In the past year, a number of conservative agitators have been invited to our campus to speak, including Milo Yiannopoulos and David Horowitz, who once held an Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week in mockery of cultural awareness events. Free speech is no longer being used to discuss conservative values, but instead to call women slurs, encourage the inferiority of other races and attempt to derail progressive conversations on our campus. And while opinions should never be curbed on college campuses, it is worth taking a step back to reflect on how intolerant and vitriolic the conversation has become.

But in terms of the trans movement, this outrage can be seen as a step towards equality. The public is talking enough to warrant a response from our legislators — and a backlash from traditionalists, who prefer to think that gender fluidity didn’t exist before the Obama administration. More transgender people are being represented in the media than ever, and the average person can most likely name at least two transgender public figures, which was surely not the case only a few years ago. Backlash is inevitable as the trans movement gains traction and conservative rhetoric only grows dirtier. But, if enough noise has made and enough nests have been shaken that the UCLA College Republicans are saying something, then people must be doing something right.

41 replies
  1. robotech master
    robotech master says:

    I like how this opinion piece has been edited but they fail to note the update and changes.

  2. DT
    DT says:

    Raz. Good job man, you really brought them out of the woodwork with this one. Brilliantly done, keep up the good work.

  3. Les Legato
    Les Legato says:

    “The Republican Party is undergoing internal change and their increasingly intolerant sentiments”


  4. Dave_Cognac
    Dave_Cognac says:

    This is the problem with the mindset of the author:
    ” Free speech is no longer being used to discuss conservative values, but instead to call women slurs, encourage the inferiority of other races and attempt to derail progressive conversations on our campus.”
    Understand, progressives have been subverting, disrupting, and shouting down conservatives on college campuses for 30 years and more, but getting to the point of “there is ZERO” conservative discussion on college campuses across the nation today. Laws are being discussed to benefit a scant .01% of the nation and the rest are expected to ‘suck it up’. Show me a single college campus where there is a 50/50 exchange of conservative and liberal ideas and tolerance from both sides and you MAY have a leg to stand on. Until then, conservatives have been long overdue to push back against poisonous PC rhetoric and invective lies from ‘progressives’.

  5. Iamnumber6
    Iamnumber6 says:

    The attempted suicide rate for the US is 9 in 100,000. For transgender people it is 41%. Not 41 in 100,000 but 41%!!! And it gets SIGNIFICANTLY worse AFTER surgery which is why an ever increasing number of hospitals will no longer do gender reassignment surgery. Mental illness is a sad thing. Why the 99.97% of the population should be held hostage to mentally ill people is beyond reason.Only someone as partisan as Obama would sellout and exploit the mentally ill. When you allow the mentally ill to set the standards and rules of society then society becomes metally ill.

    • DT
      DT says:

      This is one of the most convoluted comments I have ever had the displeasure of reading on this topic. Do you suppose the extremely attempted suicide rate has anything to do with how transgender people are treated in this society? oh, I don’t know, maybe the extremely high level of persecution, discrimination, and outright violence against trans people is a contributing factor? Maybe laws like in NC that specifically legalize discrimination against trans people and worse, forcibly out them in hostile environments have something to do with it?

      You are calling them mentally ill and arguing that letting them go to the bathroom safely is somehow holding 99.97% percent of the population hostage, and you think Obama is the exploiting them for political gain? Dear lord.

      There is nothing about this argument that is left versus right. This is straight-up evil-minded. Directly contribute to high suicide rate and cite that high suicide rate as a reason to persecute them? wow.

      • robotech master
        robotech master says:

        Clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap… it is rare in this day and age that I
        find such an impressive post on the internet. You sir, with this post
        have clearly won the internets today. Not only do you rule out mental
        illness as a main factor in the suicide rate, but argue its not a factor
        at all… further to that, you argue that not only is “persecution,
        discrimination and outright violence” the main factor but possibly the
        only factor. Your argument doesn’t just marginalize persecution,
        discrimination and outright violence of the past. It outright
        trivializes the suffering, persecution and death of not millions, not
        tens of millions, but hundreds of millions, possibly even billions of
        people throughout history. When stalin brought his socialist utopia to
        Ukraine. Where police literally stole the food out of children’s mouths,
        where police attacked and killed people in the street and where people
        ATE THE FLESH OF THEIR NEIGHBOR. Did they have a suicide rate at or
        above 41%? NO. When jews were rounded up and put in camps, raped,
        tortured, starved. Did they have a suicide rate at or above 41%? NO.
        When stalin transferred his most beloved capitalist pig dogs to the
        heart of mother russia’s gulags to be beaten, starved and worked to
        death. Did they have a suicide rate at or above 41%. NO. On and on
        history goes and lets not even talk about rape, witch burning, slavery,
        etc, etc, etc. However we shouldn’t dwell on the past. For winning the
        internets today you deserve a prize. The prize is at the link below,
        click it, set it to repeat and listen to it for the rest of
        your(hopefully very short) life.

        https ://www. youtube. com/watch?v=76Oc1rkuOoE

        • DT
          DT says:

          I must not be very intelligent, because I cannot understand how you are getting to marginalizing Stalin and cannibalism (in all caps, no less) from bigotry against transgender people. Well, either that or this is just simply insane rambling.

          But I wish you all the best and hopefully a long, happy life. Even if I disagree with your opinion, I don’t see having different opinions as a reason to wish someone would die quickly.

          • robotech master
            robotech master says:

            “I must not be very intelligent”

            You and raz’s posting clearly denote as such. Let me break this down to a kindergarten level for you.

            Iamnumber6 post a very rational science and history based argument. You respond by saying all that science and history is wrong. Your direct response is that ”
            extremely high level of persecution, discrimination, and outright violence against trans people” is a major factor or only factor and that mental illness is not a factor or a meaningless factor.

            Lets review some events in history that conform “extremely high level of persecution, discrimination, and outright violence against people”. I cited many event such events and note that suicide rates never hit 41% or go higher and for many of those event they are vastly lower.

            This means one of two things. Either 1. You are claiming that transgendered “people” are suffering WORSE “extremely high level of persecution, discrimination, and outright violence” then the people in those events suffered…. there by marginalizing and trivializing those people’s suffering and the events themselves. OR 2. You are claiming that those events never happened.

            Now if your going to claim those events never happened I will stand corrected that I was wrong.

            “Extremely high level of persecution, discrimination, and outright violence against people” can not possibly even begin to explain such a high suicide rate. Unless of course you fall into one of the 2 thought groups above as your post denotes that you do.

            Further more I’d be willing to entertain that maybe if you choose option 2 that somehow you managed to choose that option because of some kind of rational, logical thought process and that you could explain this thought process to me… however lets be honest here, your dumb as a rock. Science, logic and reasoning that you’ve displayed so far in just a few posts would make the avg middle school student ashamed to be around you. So I am of high doubt that even if you do choose option 2 that he will be able to post anything more meaningful other then “jood is evil”.

            Stop being a coward just do it.

          • DT
            DT says:

            It is clearly not going to be possible to have a rational conversation with you, so I wasn’t going to reply. But, I have to admit, it is kinda fun to watch you construct this fantasy world of what you want to believe that I believe and then argue against that fantasy you created.

            I have to admit its a bit immature on my part, but I am keeping this going at this point to see how many different logical fallacies you’ll use. It would be a little more interesting if you could do it without the grade school taunting, but I completely understand that may not be a realistic hope. It does give me a check mark next to ad hominem, but I really only needed one and the repetition gets tiring.

            Let’s take a step back to the beginning and take a quick look at the science on this. Specifically, two starting points:
            a) It is well established in the medical community that being transgender is not a mental illness (DSM-5, gender dysphoria), and;
            b) the extremely high attempted suicide rate among transgender people has been extensively studied; our friend above who started this subthread is presenting a shockingly convoluted, patently false “interpretation” of the 2015 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Williams Institute study of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. That study, and the dozen others since 2001 that they build off, point directly at social prejudice, individual experiences of prejudice and discrimination and institutional discrimination in laws and public policies as the key factors, among others, in the increased rate of suicide attempts among transgender people.

            The “logical” claim you two are making is that transgender people wouldn’t
            attempt suicide if they weren’t transgender or if they didn’t
            transition. The “science” you two are claiming to base this on, isn’t even close to what science actually says on these issues. I get how this can be an attractive argument within an echo chamber of like minded bigots. But, I am an optimistic person and have some hope that someone out here in the echo-chamber might pause and reconsider their thoughts on this if someone challenges that groupthink every once in while.

          • robotech master
            robotech master says:

            “but I am keeping this going at this point to see how many different logical fallacies you’ll use”

            O please do list said logical fallacies as nothing you have posted has anything but logical fallacies.

            “a) It is well established in the medical community that being
            transgender is not a mental illness (DSM-5, gender dysphoria), and;”

            Well established by who? Rabid fanatical transgender supporters maybe, but none in science world… In fact just recently

            “The American College of Pediatricians urges educators and legislators
            to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a
            life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts –
            not ideology – determine reality.”

            Further stating

            “From the ACP:

            Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical
            impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child

            Thats just recently and it goes on and on. Your welcome to read the full statement which includes dozens of studies and a short Q&A that in fact debunks some of the very arguments your making with more studies.

            http ://www .acpeds. org/the-college-speaks/position-statements/gender-ideology-harms-children

            Then you have

            “Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and
            its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that
            transgenderism is a “mental disorder” that merits treatment,”

            and lets not forget the WHO who has yet to be forced to change it but they are working hard at it.

            ” That study, and the dozen others since 2001 that they build off, point
            directly at social prejudice, individual experiences of prejudice and
            discrimination and institutional discrimination in laws and public
            policies as the key factors, among others, in the increased rate of
            suicide attempts among transgender people.”

            And here we go again right back to marginalizing and trivializing the history… or are you simply denying it, you have refused to answer.

            “The “logical” claim you two are making is that transgender people wouldn’t
            attempt suicide if they weren’t transgender or if they didn’t transition.”

            Please don’t lie about what I am stating. The vast majority of transgender people are transgender because they are mentally ill. They also suffer from high suicide rates for the same reason. They are not transgender because “they choose to be” they are transgender in the same ways a paranoid schizophrenic is. Worse like schizophrenia transgenderism can be forced on people by repeatedly suggesting it to them. They start to believe it. This is exactly why The American College of Pediatricians is calling it child abuse.

            Further like say schizophrenia when you have a study done on schizophrenics who attacked someone. When the schizophrenic says “I attacked him because the voices told me”, you don’t have a take away that the voices made him do it. The take away from that response is that his mental illness caused the attack. When I transgender cites the reason for its suicide is ” social prejudice, individual experiences of prejudice and
            discrimination and institutional discrimination in laws and public policies” as the reason and you look at the rest of history and see that this is completely bullshat compared to said rest of history…. you classify that respond as MENTAL ILLNESS. Once again unless these transgenders are suffering worse then jews in death camps or hundreds of other events throughout history no sane or rational person can label that response anything other then mental illness talking. Show me some evidence that transgenders have it worse then jews in national socialist death camps… or capitalists in USSR gulags or any of hundreds of events throughout recent history and I’ll start considering your argument. Should be easy since you have so much “science” on your side. Until then its pure fantasy.

            ” I get how this can be an attractive argument within am echo chamber of like minded bigots.”

            Being the fact your very existence rarely leaves said echo-chambers I’m sure you would know. You have repeatedly claimed that either the holocaust never happened or that transgendered in the US are suffering a worse fate…. either way you live in a truly delusional fantasy world. I still await for a single counter to a single argument that I’ve made btw… I don’t expect one because you have none.

          • DT
            DT says:

            Oh let’s start with this last ridiculous claim. Not once have I “claimed that either the holocaust never happened or that transgendered in the US are suffering a worse fate” that is entirely your little fantasy world you created. You made it up and then argue against it like I said it. Reading is not difficult, feel free to go ahead and read what I write.

            Moving up in your diatribe, “Please don’t lie about what I am stating.” Fair enough, I was trying to summarize the “logic” you are using, but you are correct, that is just may understanding of what you are saying, let’s go what what you specially say in the next sentence: “The vast majority of transgender people are transgender because they are
            mentally ill. They also suffer from high suicide rates for the same
            reason.” – So based on this, is your argument here based on this claim that it is a mental illness?

            “Well established by who? Rabid fanatical transgender supporters maybe, but none in science world..” Well, I cited my source in the statement. But maybe you need some context. To answer your question: It is well established by the group of scientists who are literally charged with defining mental illness in the United States, the American Psychiatric Association. And that determination is in the document of record used by doctors, researchers, regulation agencies, health insurance companies, the American legal system, and policy makers (wiki btw): the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM, current edition 5)

            You completely ignore what is literally THE document of record and chose to counter with a radical fringe group, the American college of pediatricians… I had never heard of them so I looked it up.. Wiki has them as a “small, socially conservative advocacy group” .. these some 200 radicals split off from the 60k strong primary professional association for the field, the American Academy of Pediatrics, specifically because they wanted to advocate their fringe position against gay rites.

            So, um, yeah, I think we should stick with the scientific community this one.

            You want to try again?

          • robotech master
            robotech master says:

            “Oh let’s start with this last ridiculous claim. Not once have I
            “claimed that either the holocaust never happened or that transgendered
            in the US are suffering a worse fate” that is entirely your little
            fantasy world you created. You made it up and then argue against it
            like I said it. Reading is not difficult, feel free to go ahead and read
            what I write.”

            I can read just fine… you repeatedly dodged the question. Just as this statement keeps dodging the question… Are you denying the holocaust or any or event I have listed? Yes/No.

            Are you saying that transgenders are suffering worse in the US currently then jews in death camps?

            Yes we can look at the suicide rate and see its much higher.

            No we can see that they are not and thus it means that the high suicide rates in transgenders can not be linked to social prejudice, individual experiences of prejudice
            and discrimination and institutional discrimination in laws and public

            Which is it? Or will you dodge yet again.

            ” Well, I cited my source in the statement. […] the American Psychiatric Association.[…] (DSM, current edition 5)You completely
            ignore what is literally THE document of record and[…]”

            Dear stupid. Have you read the document in question? I have. Further if you’d read the link I provided you’d see that the American Academy of Pediatrics covers the myth right out of the gate. Let me enlighten you from some basics from a link here
            http: //www. dsm5. org/documents/gender%20dysphoria%20fact%20sheet.pdf

            ” It is important to note that gender nonconformity is not in itself a mental disorder. ”

            Read the above statement again get it into your head. Then read the following

            “The critical element of gender dysphoria is the presence of clinically significant distress associated with the condition.”

            In layman terms these two lines state gender nonconformity is not a mental disorder UNLESS significant distress is associated with the gender nonconformity.

            AKA gender nonconformity + distress = gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness.

            Now what is “clinically significant distress associated with the condition”. Well lets look at the DSM-V fact sheet

            “Characteristics of the Condition

            For a person to be diagnosed with gender dysphoria, there must be a marked difference between the individual’s expressed/experienced gender and the gender others would assign him or her, and it must continue for at least six months. In children, the desire to be of the other gender must be present and verbalized.This condition causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.”

            Key statement here to be repeated “This condition causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.”

            So lets review

            Gender nonconformity + distress = gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness.

            Distress includes impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

            Now I don’t know if you’ve read past comments by this worthless troll named DT but that worthless troll posted this comment above.

            ” 2015 American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Williams Institute
            study of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey. That study,
            and the dozen others since 2001 that they build off, point directly at
            social prejudice, individual experiences of prejudice and discrimination
            and institutional discrimination in laws and public policies as the key
            factors, among others, in the increased rate of suicide attempts among
            transgender people.”

            AKA DT comments that due to impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning transgendered are “suffering distress”.

            Now lets review.

            Gender nonconformity + distress = gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness.

            So lets input some values here. Transgendered are gender nonconformist. According to DT and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Williams Institute transgendered are massively and overwhelmingly in distress via impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

            According to the APA DVM-V fact sheet. When a gender nonconformist is in distress that is a mental illness called gender dyshoria. That means that transgendered are mentally ill. PERIOD.

            Lets go again. Gender nonconformity(transgenderism) + distress(by decree of DT and AFSP) =(by decree of the APA) gender dyshoria =(by decree of the APA) mental illness.

            X – 1 = 1 Y – 1 = 1 X = Y

            Yet again transgender = mental illness.

            So simple even a middle school math failure can understand it.

            “chose to counter with […]So, um, yeah, I think we should stick with the scientific community this one.”

            O the number of logical fallacies and anti-science in this comment let me count the ways. Appeal to authority, appeal to consensus and so many more. The anti-science is strong as well with the ignorance that it only take 1 “radical” scientist to disprove millions. However judging by your complete ignorance of science its not shocking at all.

            Their are of course massive problem even with the propaganda produced by the DSM-V such as this. link

            http ://psy-gradaran .narod. ru/lib/clinical/DSM5.pdf

            page 487 on the pdf, 451 on the doc.

            “Thus gender is used to denote the public (and usually legally recognized) lived role as”

            This is clearly propaganda. Outside of a handful of countries gender is never legally recognized. Further even in a handful of countries that if fact recognize a difference between sex and gender that doesn’t mean that it is legally recognized. This is total crap. The US doesn’t recognize gender across all it states and even when it does the vast majority of legal rules and laws(in those states) do not recognize gender at all. Imperial decree by people like obama doesn’t count as legal recognition.

          • DT
            DT says:

            wow. I am impressed. this wall of text is impressive. Unfortunately, repeating the same incorrect statement with more words, doesn’t magically make it correct.

            I can’t tell if you are deliberately misunderstanding the DSM-5 or simply misreading it. But on the off chance you would like to get it correct, your mistake is here: “In layman terms these two lines state gender nonconformity is not a
            mental disorder UNLESS significant distress is associated with the
            gender nonconformity.”

            That is not at all what those two statements say. You can tell this by reading the words of the quotations you provided. Note you are adding the word “unless” — it doesn’t say that. Actually, you are adding adding the whole statement when you try to explain in “layman” terms… you are misreading, misunderstanding, or misstating what it actually says.

            Most of everything else you put in your post is repetition of this same error. You are remarkably consistent in that. A little bit of a one trick pony, but still the consistency is to be admired.

            It is a different error, but since you keep bringing it up, I might as well point it out directly: You are linking your whole Stalin/Jews in death camps thing with transgender suicide with this conclusion:

            “No we can see that they are not and thus it means that the high suicide
            rates in transgenders can not be linked to social prejudice, individual
            experiences of prejudice
            and discrimination and institutional discrimination in laws and public

            – no, actually, it doesn’t. there is nothing about suicide rates among other persecuted people in history that “means” anything about the connection between prejudice and discrimination and suicide among transgender people. And it certainly doesn’t mean that those things “can not be linked.” This flawed argument is then used as the basis for just flat out saying the study about suicide concludes the exact opposite of what the study says. It is impressive mental gynamistics, I’ll give you that.

            It may be fun to make stuff up and then argue against it, but that isn’t actually arguing against the original claim. It is arguing against the one you made up to replace it.

          • robotech master
            robotech master says:

            “That is not at all what those two statements say. You can tell this by reading the words of the quotations you provided.”

            Really please do explain what they mean then? Explain it slowly and in an expanded meaning. Further you understand that I added “unless” simply to link the 2 statements together. It in no way changes the meaning of the statements.

            ” no, actually, it doesn’t. there is nothing about suicide rates among
            other persecuted people in history that “means” anything about the
            connection between prejudice and discrimination and suicide among
            transgender people. And it certainly doesn’t mean that those things “can
            not be linked.””

            O yes the whole of everyone else reacts one way but those transgenders are a special special case…. yeah that makes prefect sense.

            ” This flawed argument is then used as the basis for just flat out saying
            the study about suicide concludes the exact opposite of what the study
            says. It is impressive mental gynamistics, I’ll give you that.”

            The “study” exists in a vacuum. Its claims are meaningless by themselves. BTW I have read the study. It like all studies, like this is total BS. The whole study is based on things that the person “feels”. Further the vast majority of it can not even be confirmed even if they wanted to try. It is pure subjective crap.

            Further you can replace transgender/gender non-conforming with national socialist and get the same results.

            Lets take question 27.

            27. Because of being transgender/gender non-conforming, which of the following experiences have you had at work? Please mark each row.

            I feel more comfortable and my performance has improved.

            I did not get a job I applied for because of being transgender or gender non-conforming.

            I am or have been under-employed, that is working in the field I should not be in or a position for which I am over-qualified.

            I was removed from direct contact with clients, customers or patients.

            I was denied a promotion.

            I lost my job.

            I was harassed by someone at work.

            I was the victim of physical violence by someone at work.

            I was the victim of sexual assault by someone at work.

            I was forced to present in the wrong gender to keep my job.

            I was not able to work out a suitable bathroom situation with my employer

            I was denied access to appropriate bathrooms.

            I was asked inappropriate questions about my transgender or surgical status.

            I was referred to by the wrong pronoun, repeatedly and on purpose.

            Supervisors or coworkers shared information about me that they should not have.

            Lets change it as replace it with national socialism.

            A national socialist would response to almost all of these the same as a transgendered would. Lets not even talk national socialists. How about People that don’t believe in global warming? How about republicans on a college campus? How about gun owners(they get denied service and access to bathrooms all the time)? All those groups would heavily answer yes to most of these questions.

            These questions are so subjective, so common place that you can any group that “feels” they are being “oppressed” to score high on it.

            Once again this study shows NOTHING you claim it does because it has ZERO real world backing. It is PURELY how these people “FEEL”.

            Mental illness effects how you “feel” and how you see the world.

            Lets look at how a paranoid schizophrenic “feels” and sees the world.

            A paranoid schizophrenic sees the mailman one day. The mailman looks up and smiles and waves. The schizo grabs a knife, runs out the door and tries to kill the mailman. The police get there and stop the fight and throw the schizo in jail. He’s then given a survey.

            The schizo goes on to answer the questions about how everyone out to get him and they’re abusing him and the mailman was going to murder him that night etc, etc, etc. So the police go and check into his claims… and find they are all bogus.(for the sake of argument at no time does this imply you should trust your mailman, but in this case he is innocent).

            A rational scientist looking at the response he gave vs reality can quickly sees that its mental illness. What he “feels” is not what is happening in the real world. The survey says he took his actions out on the mailman for one reason but that reason was purely how the person “felt”(aka the mailman was going to murder him), not reality( aka the mailman was not going to murder him). He can further compare the action that this person took vs a base line. IF the mailman was trying to murder an avg person how would that person react? Its highly unlikely they would run out with a knife and stab them.

            You can keep comparing his answers vs a base line of an avg person placed in same events.

            It becomes very clear that his actions are vastly outside the avg person’s response. Thus you’ve got a rock solid start for checking mental illness.

            Now lets look again. The transgenders response about their “feelings” in a survey. Those “feelings” produce an action(suicide). Just as the schizo “feelings” made him go after the mailman. When they compare those “feelings” to the real world and the action those “feelings” produce. When compared to a baseline that is similar or even more extreme(aka jews in death camps). Do the “feelings” of those people have the same action produced at the same rate(aka suicide rate).

            The answer is no. Just like with the schizo, the “feelings” expressed in the survey DO NOT match the expected response from avg people placed in the same event. Not only do they not match the expected response in the same event, but even when you use a far more extreme event(aka jews in death camps) you still can’t get close to those “feelings”.

            Basic logic, science and reality state that you now have a rock solid case for mental illness, because reality is not matching the fantasy that is producing these “feelings” in these people(transgender). Normally you would want to carefully go down the list of “feelings” and find out as best you can if they match reality. We can’t do that in this survey(by design to prevent it being questioned and debunked). However we can look at the huge gap that these people “feel” and the response it causes(suicide) vs other events in history. We can easily see that the gap is huge. Its clear that all signs point to mental illness. The study is evidence of this. Granted this survey is complete crap and really using it for any other then pointing to it and saying, “this is what you don’t do in science”, or “this is pure propaganda” is about it. Had I known that such a completely useless anti-science survey such as this one was the basis of your beliefs. I would have started this more with giving you a class in basic science.

            However lets get back to the APA if we assume this survey is good enough to show “distress”. You could in fact use this study to prove that transgendered are in distress and thus are mentally ill according to the standards set forth by the APA. Ironically about the only thing this study can show, is that transgender are mentally ill.

          • DT
            DT says:

            Got it. Thank you for the detailed explanation.

            I think I finally understand your position on this. The published science and the majority of professionals and experts in these topics are all wrong because you disagree with their methodology and conclusions.

            This is what makes our country great. We have room in both scientific process and public policy to keep moving forward to good solutions even when radical positions are present in the debate.

      • Iamnumber6
        Iamnumber6 says:

        There is a difference between having a thing and wanting a thing. The reason that attempted suicide rates go up after surgery is because it drives home that they can never be that which they desire in a way that pierces all the delusions that they live. Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental illness. Period. There are people that believe that they are space aliens or ponies trapped in a man’s body. They are delusional and mentally ill. But somehow a man who believes he is a woman trapped in a man’s body has some noble status and is not equally deluded? And as for Obama, he exploits everything for political gain, it is what he does.

        • Iamnumber6
          Iamnumber6 says:

          And please let us not forget what this is about. The 99.97 percent have rights too. In Palatine, Ill Obamas education department is forcing young girls to change in locker rooms with a boy who believes himself a girl.If that same boy exposed himself or texted pictures of his pe nis to girls that would be sexual harrassment or child porn. But if Obama’s education department forces him in the girls locker room to expose him to young girls that is “ok”? Developing frmale adolescents deserve the right to grow and experience in their own time, not have that forced on them. The body dysmorphic boy should be provided a private room to change that does not impose on the privacy rights of the girls, but that is not good enough for him or the Obama administration. And that is criminal.

          • DT
            DT says:

            Welcome back. Thanks for keeping this lively. You introduce so many new points in your posts is it challenging to know where to begin. Let’s start with BDD. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a completely different issue. The vast majority of transgender people do not suffer from BDD. I am not sure if you are just confusing BDD and Gender Dysphoria or introducing an entire new claim with that point?

            Palatine is an interesting battlefield to pick. I didn’t think folks were still trying to fight that battle after the school district installed even more permanent changing stalls in the locker room. I’ll admit their first pass at it with the far too few (something two, not nearly enough) semi private changing stalls with curtains was insufficient to address the other girls concerns. But, I honestly thought people had figured out that was a loosing battle after they put in the permanent ones with locking doors.

  6. Thekatman
    Thekatman says:

    Benjamin, you are so spot on with your assessment of this situation and that, in general, of the entire political spectrum that the progressive Left has forced on America. These issues are not about sex, gender, fairness, equality. These issues are all driven by the Left’s attempt to foster a diminishing voter base throughout the US. Hence why Obama is pushing the injection of Section 8 housing into affluent neighborhoods. It’s not about fairness or creating an equal oppty for the poor, but to begin entrenching Democrat voters into conservative districts.

    The political correctness mantra that has been running rampant throughout this country and others, is nothing but an attempt by the Left to control you, me and everyone in this country, in order to follow their methodology and future. The Left is not about freedoms of expression. It is all about their freedoms but not yours.

  7. DT
    DT says:

    Very well written. Agree or disagree on the topic, this is brilliantly argued. Good job Raz.

  8. JT
    JT says:

    While I strongly disagree with the opinions expressed by Raz Nakhlawi this is a well written, coherent piece – which unfortunately is rare in the opinion section of the DT. Well done Raz!

  9. Benjamin Roberts
    Benjamin Roberts says:

    Well, I don’t usually agree with Bruins… but in this case, they are correct on all three counts. There are indeed only two genders. Confusion over your gender, or believing you are the opposite gender, is indeed a mental disorder. And yes, finally, please do keep your agenda out of the restroom.

    There is plenty of room for debate on a number of issues, but this is not one of them. Even the term transgender is a total misnomer as there is in fact no such thing. One simply can not change their gender. I invite Christians and people of other faith to chime in, as is their right… but in reality one does not (and probably should not) use their faith to explain what a joke and a lie the transgender movement is. This is a secular issue that does not need any sort of religious defense or explanation because the SCIENCE is clear. There are TWO GENDERS. Period. No debate. Sorry to break it to those who feel otherwise, but in all but the rarest of cases at birth (hermaphrodites)… gender is assigned and can not be changed.

    The conversation really should end there, particularly since Democrats often make fun of Republicans for abandoning science… but nevertheless here we are… actually having to defend the position that no matter how one feels, there are only two genders. I think there is huge confusion between gender and sexuality. They are completely different. Sexuality occurs on a spectrum. The science is clear. People feel different sexually and express themselves differently, sexually. We are gay, straight, and everywhere in between. By contrast, gender is indeed binary. As humans, we are male or we are female. Period. Science. No need for religion to get in the way of reality.

    To be clear: Caitlyn Jenner is a man. He may have chosen to dress in drag for the rest of his life, and to change his name from Bruce, and possibly even have some surgeries to appear less like a woman…. but he is a man. Period. Science. Indeed, he sired several children. Chromosomes. Science. Facts. And these people call themselves “progressive”? Really? This is the society we have become? Students and others at educational institutions trashing science for some sort of agenda? …attempting to normalize the mental illness of gender confusion? Believing that Bruce Jenner and others have someone changed genders.. and believing that gender is “fluid”???? Really?? That’s progressive?

    I tend to believe that Democrats and others who support the transgender lie are well-meaning. I certainly want to believe that it all comes from a good place… the so called “tolerance” and “acceptance” that they so famously espouse. Nevertheless, good intentions that are unfounded or not rooted in truth can lead to all sorts of chaos and confusion… which is exactly what we are seeing in society today. It’s quite disgusting, really.

    So again, no debate here! Science must prevail. My hats off to anyone with the courage to stand up against this nonsense and reject this new narrative forced upon us. Good luck because there are a number of people who will attempt to dismiss you and marginalize you and demonize you for doing so. Very sad and certainly not progressive in any sense of the word.

    • DT
      DT says:

      Thank you Benjamin. I could not have imagined a more persuasive example to support the point of the article. Brilliantly done.

      • Benjamin Roberts
        Benjamin Roberts says:

        Oh, you’re very welcome (whoever you are… so many people hide behind their own opinions)… And though your sarcasm is not lost on me, I not only could have imagined a reply that more persuasively supports the point in my final paragraph… but in fact I predicted it.

        • DT
          DT says:

          No sarcasm here. My take away from the article is that we should embrace vocal opposition because it a sign we are making progress and that as we make more progress the opposition will get increasingly vitriolic. I am not being sarcastic at all: your post is good sign that we are clearly making progress.

          • Benjamin Roberts
            Benjamin Roberts says:

            Still not sure who I’m talking to, but if you truly believe anything I have said is “vitriolic”, then I must be speaking with someone who is either too sensitive or too young to engage in a sincere debate over important social issues of our time. (You are welcome to recuse yourself at any time.)

            Nevertheless, it appears we might be in disagreement over the argument made in this article. If you believe that a social movement in support and promotion of gender transition is progress, then we clearly disagree. If you believe that vocal opposition to that same social movement is suggestive of progress, then I assume you would believe that the vocal and vitriolic opposition to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign should be taken by Trump supporters as progress… and, that they should embrace the vocal opposition… particularly as it gets more vitriolic… as a sign of more progress.

            I could be wrong, but you should examine your position for hypocrisy because I have a feeling you might be applying your definition of progress, and your feelings on vocal opposition, in one direction and only when favourable to your position on the matter.

    • Razzan Nakhlawi
      Razzan Nakhlawi says:

      Thanks for your contribution Benjamin. I just want to point out that you seem to be mistaking gender with sex. As defined by the Oxford Dictionary “sex tends to refer to biological differences, while gender refers to cultural or social ones.” Sex is (mostly) fixed, whereas gender is fluid. Hope that helps…

      • Benjamin Roberts
        Benjamin Roberts says:

        Hi Razzan … Actually no, not helpful at all. Nice try, but it didn’t work. By your own words (or should I say the Oxford Dictionary’s words).. sex “tends” to refer. So as you can see even the Oxford dictionary is unable to proclaim an exacting and consistent difference between the use of these two terms. In short, most linguistic scholars would agree that the words as used in common parlance are indeed interchangeable.

        This is exactly why this pompous attempt to “clarify” yourself is disingenuous at best… because nobody questions that the issue at hand in the transgender movement is specifically about “transitioning” from male to female or female to male. Someone who claims to be a transgender, or who refers to someone who is transgender, is clearly suggesting a change of “sex”. If you have any doubt, please look up “sex-reassignment surgery”.

        Your attempt to cloud the issue by suggesting the semantics are important has failed, because it is clear that the terms sex and gender as used in the instant matter are interchangeable. I stand by everything I have said because I stand by science, fact and truth. You are probably also unaware that I am gay. I am a male who is attracted to other males. I realize and accept that we all express ourselves differently, sexually, because sexuality manifests across a wide spectrum. But we are spreading ignorance and lies if we want to tell ourselves as a society or a human race that gender… OR SEX… is “fluid”, or a “state of mind”, or something that can be changed. We are fooling ourselves and each other if we pretend that feeling conflicted about your gender OR SEX is normal. It’s not normal biologically, and it’s not normal statistically. We have moved from positions of tolerance and acceptance, to promotion and celebration… of something that is not normal by any metric. It leads to chaos, confusion and corruption.

        Instead we must learn to understand and love these people… but indulging them in a lie is not helpful or loving. Demonizing or undermining people like me is not helpful either. I suspect you’ll want to have the last word, but before you go running to the dictionary or someone who will coddle you and your feelings, I politely suggest you take a humble and quiet beat to ponder reality.

      • DT
        DT says:

        Raz, I see your comment as a diplomatic attempt to suggest that
        understanding the difference between sex (biology) and gender (society)
        might help move the conversation forward. Perhaps you are being too diplomatic
        and sacrifice clarity in an effort to try to open dialogue. They
        are not interchangeable terms.

        Much of the commentary on this article
        is premised on conflating these two fundamentally different concepts. I
        admire your effort to explain the difference and suspect you hoped that would
        facilitate a calmer, rational discussion of the topic.

        Lesson learned, above and below, …Raz, sometimes calm and rational just isn’t going to be possible.

      • robotech master
        robotech master says:

        Like Razzan piece this comment(razzan’s) is full on anti-science propaganda.
        First if the issue is as razzan claims about “gender” and “gender” is different then sex. Then their is no reason for transvestites to have a problem with the current bathroom rules as they are rules set by sex… not gender. Thus they do not in anyway infringe on any ones rights or even opinions. Razzan should take the time to explain it to the transvestites that sex and gender are different and even though they are a gender different then the bathroom… the bathroom is based on sex. Thus everyones happy… o wait thats not going to happen. To transvestites sex is gender. They have repeatedly said this. One need only look at the bathroom issue where people are divided by SEX not gender. One need only look at sport events where they are split by sex…. yet transvestites have thrown temper-tantrums that sport events go by birth cert docs to figure out what sex a person is… to split said people by sex isn’t of gender which is the demand made by transvestites. They(transvestites) say that sex and gender are the same thing whenever they demand something. In fact no where in any argument I have ever seen when transvestites demand something has that argument been anything other then “sex and gender are the same and we demand you treat them as the same”.

        In law and science you need standards and you can’t just change them because one day you decide you don’t like jews they need to to be thrown in ovens.

        When people go around claiming to be female/male when they are not, claiming to be black, white, green, etc when they are not…. the US Constitution protects that as free speech and they have every right to do that.

        However when science and law go around accepting this you have a huge problem. When people go around claiming something that is not true for personal or professional gain at best its called lying. At worst is criminal which should result in jail time…

        However under the arguments of people like razzan that all becomes subjective. The government can simply decide who is what when they feel like it, how they feel like it and to whomever they free like changing. That doesn’t just destroy individuals freedoms, the rule of law, it destroys the very fabric of reality.

        How are courts suppose to handle reality destroying always changing subjective standards. Today I feel like being a female black jew who 30 years old. I want public housing and even coming near me with bacon is a hate crime. Tomorrow I am an 8 year old asian girl who decides to have sex with an 8 year old asian boy. Who are you to judge and under your own arguments a court must see both as such no matter if they were in fact an eight year old asian boy and girl or scientifically as one 30 year old black man and the other was a 70 year old asian female. Further what happens when the 8 year old asian boy say the 8 year old asian boy says that he was raped by the 8 year old asian girl what happens then? What happens if the 8 year old asian boy video taped the encounter? Is that child porn? Is it child porn after the 8 year old asian boy becomes say a 52 year old white female? Further what proof is there that the 8 year old asian boy was indeed identifying as an 8 year old asian boy at the time the rape happened? How do you prove it?

        For that matter razzan as an ignorant, anti-science, racist, sexist, homophilic, xenophilic,lysenko fanboy ever take a moment to really think about what your arguing for?

        Let forget the above talk lets get in simpler like sexism. You say ” Free speech is no longer being used to discuss conservative values, but instead to call women slurs,[…]”

        First yes free speech is for calling women “slurs”… I personally call them sluts but hey you can go all old school with the “slurs and curs”.

        So lets say a bunch of socialists are doing what socialists do(aka begging and/or demanding more of other peoples money for a “worthy cause” aka themselves). During said protest a 19 year old black female who is identifying as a 30 year old white male is on camera saying that she is identifying as such, is confronted by a 35 year old white male who calls her a slut and says she should get raped and like it. The identifying as a 30 year old white telling the 35 year old white male to “shut his nigga mouth” and takes a swing at the 35 year old white male. They fight and police break it up.

        The DA files charges against the 19 year old black female listed as “White hate crime against black minor” along with some others… because that 35 year old male was identifying as a 14 year old black female. So the 19 year old black female goes into court and guess what argues that she is a black female and its ok for her to do that… no hate crime…. because thats exactly what would happen. Further more how would one Razzan Nakhlawi cover this story… well first it would grab alot of paper and spread said paper on the floor. Then it would pull a trampoline, mount said trampoline and start doing backflips… while spewing social justice diarrhea from every orifice on its body. After doing that a for a few hour it would then submit those diarrhea covered works of arts to the waiting propaganda mouth pieces that will eagerly spread it everywhere. It would say how the 19 year old black female is being oppressed blah blah blah and you can’t have the same standard because a 19 year old black female identifying as a 30 year old white male is different then a 35 year old white identifying as a 14 year old black female because white oppression blah blah blah because of racism blah blah blah because of sexism, etc etc etc.

        O but wait… I haven’t even gotten to the fun parts. I could have left a comment 1/10th the size of this but that wouldn’t have been fun. It would have prevented me from repeatedly kicking the tard baby while its on the ground. You see my racism, sexist, homo-supremacist, xenophilic friend. You really should take the time to read your own useful idiot propaganda handbook.

        You see when you say sex and gender are different your own propaganda has laid that out…. ever hear of the term cis male? or cis female? Those are genders.(at least according to the mentally ill people… err things?, its? whatever they call themselves) Male and female are sexes everyone from your propaganda to those who oppose your propaganda agrees… and guess what you stupid ignorant low life stalinistic piece of gutter trash… bathrooms are mark as MALE AND FEMALE NOT CIS MALE AND CIS FEMALE which means they are clearly marked by SEX NOT GENDER you ****ing genocidal eugenic doomsday cultist nut bag. Your own propaganda defines gender as different then sex but at the exact same time whenever these demands for bathroom or sport or anything else…. they are always couched in sex and gender is the same thing. Like every religiously fanatical group thats out to oppress others and control their very thoughts your whole argument is an affront to logic, reasoning and science.

        *DROPS THE MIC*

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