USG approves new budget to allocate funds
A new budget was approved during Tuesday night’s Undergraduate Student Government Senate meeting, giving $30,000 to USC’s USG. The funds were provided by USC Student Affairs.
USG received the money two weeks ago, but the Allocations Committee met four times to discuss the changes that would be made to the budget. The new budget passed by a vote of 11-0 Tuesday, with one member abstaining.

Big money - The Undergraduate Student Government voted 11-0 to approve a new budget plan, allocating $30,000 from Student Affairs. - Hayden Bennet | Daily Trojan
The branch of USG that received the most money was the Discretionary Board, which gives money to student organizations to fund events on campus.
“The discretionary fund is bigger than some of the other funding boards because it encompasses a wider range of possible events so there are more students that can qualify to get funding that way,” USG Senior Director of Communications Elizabeth Trower said.
The administrative branch of Program Board received $3,000 to cover basic costs such as paperwork, supplies, posters and shirts. The Performing Arts Committee of Program Board received $7,500, which will possibly go toward another event or bringing in more high-profile talent to perform at USC.
“They always have really well-attended events,” USG Speaker Pro Tempore and Greek Senator Mikey Geragos said. “So we thought students would really appreciate the money going there.”
Program Board’s Special Events Committee received $1,850, which will go toward improving the events already planned.
In previous years, the Special Events Committee had issues providing food for all the students that attended.
Another segment of Program Board that will receive an increase in funding is the Queer & Ally Student Assembly. A $2,000 increase will be allocated with the goal of having its funding more evenly match those of other assemblies.
“All their events have been so highly attended. They feel underrepresented at times,” USG President Chris Cheng said. “We want to give them more money to show our support for their community.”
The USG Student Senate Allocations Board also received an additional $800, which will go toward any specific projects the Senate is working on.
“Senate Allocations took a hit because they changed the interpretation of what Senate Allocations is there for,” Geragos said.
The administrative branch under the USG Executive Cabinet received $2,000. The increase will be used for purposes similar to Program Board’s administrative branch.
The Elections Commission received an additional $800. This money will be used to host events during USG elections, and encourage more students to run for various USG positions.
The USG legislative branch received $2,000 for projects that Senators are working on.