Childhood hero

Bill Nye, an American science educator, comedian, television host and mechanical engineer, returned to USC to hold a question and answer session Monday night after he fainted during his last trip to USC in November. More than 100 people attended the event Monday.  

The harsh realities of collegiate football

I’ve been coming to USC football games for as long as I can remember. I’ve been to games as a giddy kid, a drunken student and a dispassionate journalist. I don’t have to tell you which setting was the most fun. As I look back on the three years I covered the team and the […]

Looking beyond the summer blockbusters

Summer’s starting early this year. In Hollywood, at least, summer begins with the release of the first big blockbuster hopeful. Thor, due May 6, will be followed by countless other “event” movies, big-budget action flicks and a record number of sequels. The summer box office will no doubt be dominated by the likes of the […]