Streets close around campus for summer

Just days removed from commencement and the end of spring semester, the university has begun work on nearly 50 summer construction projects, many of which will lead to street and building closures already affecting life on campus this summer.

The summer construction schedule began Monday and is scattered throughout campus.

Street closures, as a result of construction, include McClintock Avenue between Downey and Hellman ways and Childs Way between Trousdale Parkway and Figueroa Street.

Graphic by Jovanna Tosello | Summer Trojan

Downey will also be inaccessible near the Hedco Neuro Sciences Building.

Major renovations, or “capital construction development” projects, are planned at 22 different locations, including Kaprielian Hall and Stoops Hall, as well as starting construction on the new student health center.

Reaction to the increased construction and street closure has been mixed from students who will need to access campus during the summer months.

Kamron Hakemy, a junior majoring in international relations [global business] who lives at Tuscany Apartments on Figueroa Street, said the street closures would affect the time it takes to get onto


“Even when USC isn’t in session, the campus is very populated,” Hakemy said. “The closures will definitely make the trip to campus longer.”

Hakemy also mentioned the reduced traffic pattern on campus would likely cause increased traffic concerns on the streets surrounding USC.

Other students were more accepting of the summer construction and closures and welcomed the improvements to campus.

“I’ve already been warned that USC means the ‘University of Summer Construction,’ so I’m prepared for it,” said Nakul Joshi, a sophomore majoring in computer science and taking classes this summer. “I’m confident that every effort has been made to keep it safe.”

The construction and street closures could also impact tourists and prospective undergraduates, according to students.

“Tour guides are not able to show visitors as much of the campus and buildings as they’d like to,” said Preksha Daga, a sophomore majoring in biomedical engineering who will work at the Office of Admissions this summer.

Gate 3 (McCarthy Way) will also be partially inaccessible until June 30, according to an email sent to the university community by USC Transportation.

All road closures and traffic restrictions will be lifted by August 15 at the latest, according to the email.

3 replies
  1. Ken
    Ken says:

    To USC Parent: In LA it’s the City’s responsibility to fix the side-walks, which explains why they are utterly terrible. USC can only take care of what’s on its campus and cannot fix the ones not on its property, even though they push the city to do so.

    Even the ones in front of USC dorms are the responsibility of the City of LA and by jurisdiction aren’t allowed to be worked on except by the City of LA, which according to a LA Times article they cut funding for repairs due to budget cuts. It’s not just the sidewalks at USC, its the entire city.

    • Bella
      Bella says:

      Ken: If you wanted it fixed by the City, you will be dead before the City gets around to it. So it is really the responsibility of adjacent property owner. The City gives out free permits to fix sidewalks.

      BTW: I am not amused by the two small stick figures on top of WPH in your map graphic.

  2. USC Parent
    USC Parent says:

    Can USC PLEASE fix the sidewalks (or work with the city to do so) north of campus. Our son, a scholarship athlete, tripped on a hole recently and was injured in broad daylight (no, he was not inebriated). My husband and I walk around all the time and are astonished at the poor condition of the sidewalks just north of campus. These areas are a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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