Speaking up

Alumna Geraldine Knatz, executive director for the Port of Los Angeles, speaks to attendees of the USC Women’s Conference about working in a male-dominated field. The sold-out conference brought together more than 1,600 women in venues across campus on Thursday.


The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety Daily Incident Log on Wednesday, Feb. 29. View Roundup 03-02 in a larger map Crimes against a person At 10:31 P.m., a student reported that a suspect punched him in the face without provocation while he was walking near Jefferson Boulevard and Figueroa […]

Musicians discover independence

Disillusioned by pressures and expectations from big corporations, many bands and artists are now attempting to leave record labels behind and adopt a do-it-yourself spirit. And this trend is sparking creativity and spontaneity — the elements needed to make music so much fun in the first place. Without major labels, bands have no deadlines, no […]