Conquest, Childish Gambino fire up USC students

Conquest, the annual celebration to rile USC students up for the football game against crosstown rivals UCLA, served and exceeded its goals Thursday night. The line-up included a concert by hip-hop artist Childish Gambino, appearances by the revered seniors of the football team, a bonfire that engulfed a cardboard Bruin and fireworks that put most […]

Overholser to leave post as director in 2013

The Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism announced Friday that Geneva Overholser, director of the school of journalism, will leave her post in June 2013. The school has also launched a recruitment campaign for her successor. Overholser has served as director since 2008, when she left a professorship at the Missouri School of Journalism’s Washington bureau. […]

Beat the Bruins

Childish Gambino, the rapper persona of Community star Donald Glover, performs at Conquest, an annual spirit rally held in McCarthy Quad. The Thursday pep rally, traditionally held before the USC-UCLA football game, featured a fireworks show, appearances by USC athletes, a Bruin bonfire and performances by the USC marching band.