The fan and the idol (in Japan)

On Wednesday, more than 2,000 people milled outside the famous ZEPP Tokyo Livehouse. Sweaty hands clutched glowsticks; faces were flushed in anticipation. There was only an hour to go until the start of Rib.on.”e” — that is, the concert/release party for Rib’s new album, released hardly a month ago. Of course, Japanese parents don’t actually […]

Five regrettable but inevitable things you will do during midterm week

This week, I’m finally taking a break from my usual life stories in lieu of a special occasion that takes place once a semester: midterm season. Despite spending the whole first half of the semester in classes, I have come to realize just days before the tests that I don’t in fact know very much. […]

Troy Camp is senior gift recipient

The class of 2015 voted to support USC Troy Camp with its senior class gift. According to a press release from USC’s Office of Annual Giving, this year’s poll had the closest vote in senior gift history. Out of the four different organizations, USC Troy Camp narrowly won with 35 percent of the total votes. […]

Musical experience

Student band Taylor James and the Experience performed original songs and covers on Thursday night at Tommy’s Place to a crowd of approximately 100 students and other guests.

Trojans history speaks for itself

With spending on intercollegiate athletics at an all-time high, universities around the country will stop at nothing to put themselves ahead of the pack. Whether it’s state-of-the-art facilities or flashy, over-the-top jerseys, colleges will do everything in their power to win the arms race. The concept of an arms race in collegiate sports, also known […]

Blomkamp takes aim at resurrecting Alien franchise

With the exceptions of George Lucas and the late Stanley Kubrick, no filmmaker has done more to popularize science fiction than Ridley Scott. His two greatest achievements, Alien and Blade Runner, are universally acknowledged as classics of the genre, pop cultural touchstones whose thematic and stylistic influence cannot be overstated. Both movies are due to […]