WSA director speaks at USG senate meeting

Shyann Murphy, director of the Women’s Student Assembly, defended the organization’s mission statement to the Undergraduate Student Government Senate at the Ronald Tutor Campus Center Tuesday night. Murphy, a junior, showcased some of their signature events for this year. These include FemFest, which gives space to musicians and artists of marginalized backgrounds; Take Back the […]

USC Security Roundup

The following incidents were reported in the Department of Public Safety incident report summary between Monday, Sept. 21, and Tuesday, Sept. 22.  Crimes against a person At 5:06 a.m. on Sept. 22, a student reported she was being followed by a vehicle as she walked near University Gateway Apartments. Crimes against property At 9:56 a.m. […]

Calling London Home

Last weekend, I took my first trip out of London to the lovely city of Amsterdam. I spent the weekend there with my parents before returning to London to show them around my newfound home. Reflecting on this experience, I feel like I learned a lot about the process of not only studying abroad but […]

Traveling with Strangers

For students who decide to study abroad, part of the appeal of coming to a place like Europe is the opportunity to explore other countries during their free time. A quick train ride to Paris, a short flight to Rome— it all sounds lovely and luxurious. But what people rarely discuss is the fact that […]

COLUMN: Trojans’ season far from over

Let’s all just take a deep breath. I know, it was a tough one to sit through. I was there, too. And go ahead, make that one last nerd joke if you really think it will make you feel better. But now that we’ve had a couple days to sleep on it, let’s remember what […]

On Involvement: Balancing Academics and Extracurriculars

With midterm season just around the corner, and campus activities heating up, the stress of balancing academic and extracurricular commitments may have already begun creeping up on students. Ambitious, and motivated by a multitude interests — the average USC student may find that their key problem when it comes to extracurricular activities isn’t finding them […]

Pilates Plus improves muscle flexibility, increases energy

Tucked away on Broadway and 9th Street, Pilates Plus is a hidden gem amid the hustle of its busy Downtown location. Despite its position across from the Orpheum Theatre, the studio is easy to miss without a keen eye on the lookout for its gray and yellow signage. One of the first businesses on Broadway, […]