I be on my suit and tie

Students gathered on Trousdale Parkway Thursday afternoon for the annual Career Fair, which featured representatives from a variety of companies. Student were able to get professional headshots for use on social media and professional profiles. The Career Center hosts two career fairs during the year, one in the fall semester and one in the spring […]

USC Security Roundup

The following incidents were reported in the USC Department of Public Safety incident report summary between Wednesday, Sept. 16 and Thursday, Sept. 17.  Crimes against a person At 10:26 a.m. on Sept. 16, a student reported that a suspect pushed her off the sidewalk on 34th Street and Figueroa Street and then jogged past him. […]

Stanford will not test the Trojans

The Trojans have been fairly environmentally friendly these past couple years, but I think it’s finally time that they just chop down those trees. Saturday’s game against Stanford is not going to resemble one of the dramatic three-point margin-of-victory barn burners we’ve seen the last two times these teams have met. Nor is it going […]