Eli’s DT 4-1-1: Week of 10/5

USC News

Campus Leaders

  • Mental Health: USG leaders are working with the Academic Culture Assembly to organize events for USC’s first Mental Health Awareness Month. Between Oct. 12 and Nov. 20, students will get to participate in activities aimed at discussing mental health issues and destressing during the midterm season.
    • The 411: Finding a way to relax is crucial to survive college. I suggest binge-watching your favorite shows, but you do you, my fellow Trojans.

College Life

Student Voices


  • Gameday Update: Our only weekday football game of the year was one wild rollercoaster. We unfortunately/successfully lost/won against the Huskies, so we got some work to do/but we have a long road ahead of us.
    • The 411: Now let’s go beat down some leprechauns in Indiana!

Pop Culture

  • Superhero Mash-Up: Marvel Studios announced a sequel to this past summer’s sleeper hit “Ant-Man” titled “Ant-Man and the Wasp”, which will arrive in July 2018. This marks the first time a female heroine has equal billing with the male superhero in the enormous cinematic franchise. Nice move, Marvel!
    • The 411: I’m still holding out for a Black Widow/Hawkeye movie. I need to know what happened in Budapest!

Bonus: Culture

  • Art Restart: The new Broad Museum opened on Grand Avenue, and it’s been drawing in huge crowds. You can read how it’s rejuvenating the contemporary art scene in downtown Los Angeles here.
    • The 411: If you don’t like art, at least go for the giant balloon animals!


Eli Goodstein is a junior broadcast and digital journalism major. His newsletter, “Eli’s DT 4-1-1,” runs every Friday.