It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Bilbao

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

On my way to work teaching English, I see that lovely blue lights have been laced up through the trees lining the streets of the city center.

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

This is Plaza Moyua, the center of Bilbao, a roundabout that connects many different streets.

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

It’s hard to resist baked goods from Martina de Zuricalday, a Basque bakery with an adorable storefront and sales every Tuesday!

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

Once I get home, I’m greeted by this Nativity scene, composed of figurines my host mom’s dad brought back from Mexico.

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

Janis Yue | Daily Trojan

It’s pretty rare for a Spaniard to have a real Christmas tree, but there’s something precious about this little tree my host family’s put up. No matter where you are, the holidays are a great to appreciate everything you have!