Five campus foods to satisfy your basic cravings

Arianna Bayangos | Daily Trojan

Arianna Bayangos | Daily Trojan

While we’d all like to claim that we’re adventurous in our food endeavors, there are times when we cannot help but let our basic cravings get the best of us. We put our search for all foods new and exciting on hold, and indulge in food that is painfully cliché, yet greatly satisfying. If you’re ever feeling exceptionally basic, any of these five foods on campus are sure to hit your sweet spot.

1. Grilled Cheese from Lemonade

What’s more basic than an excessive amount of cheddar cheese wonderfully melted between two pieces of bread? Only a few things. What’s more satisfying? Nothing.

2. Mac ‘N Cheese from Lemonade

Tired of judging yourself for being overly dependent on those little cups of Easy Mac? The Mac ‘N Cheese from Lemonade is the perfect judgement-free alternative that provides the same comfort and satisfaction. (Note: The White Truffle Mac ‘N Cheese is another great, less basic option).

3. Caesar Salad from Seeds.

Scared off by the unfamiliar honey sriracha sesame ginger vinaigrette or just not in the mood for slices of mandarin oranges in your salad? Sometimes, salads from Seeds can be just a little too exciting if you’re in the mood for something simple. The caesar salad is an easy solution to your problem. Croutons and Caesar dressing have never been known to overwhelm anyone.

4. Trojan Bowl from Nekter

While there are always acai bowl options that are more adventurous than the default strawberry banana smoothie, the combination of granola and fruits on top of an extra thick smoothie is still a refreshing, simple choice. The Trojan Bowl is the most simplistic of all other acai bowl options available at Nekter, and my personal favorite.

5. Pepperoni Pizza from California Pizza Kitchen

If you’re sick of dining hall pizza, CPK’s pepperoni pizza is a great alternative. But if meat isn’t your thing or you’re feeling something even more basic than a pepperoni pizza, then the Traditional Cheese Pizza is about as simple as it gets.