USC Security Roundup

The following incidents were reported in the USC Dept. of Public Safety incident report summary between Friday, Feb. 19, and Monday Feb. 22.  Crimes against a person At 12:45 p.m. on Saturday Feb. 20, a non-USC male was arrested after trying to enter Theta Xi, choking a student and vandalizing the interior of a DPS […]

Trojans outpoised by Utah

Josh Cohen

As Utah applied the finishing touches to an 80-69 victory over USC at the Galen Center on Sunday afternoon, a unique feeling likely kicked in for many Trojan fans. It was not the worst feeling in the world, but it was a distinct one. It was the unmistakable feeling of falling to a team that […]

Meticulous Mozart: a musician’s allegory for religion

Last weekend, I attended a performance of Mozart’s The Magic Flute at LA Opera. For those well versed in classical music, praise for The Magic Flute usually stems from the tenderness and superiority of its part writing, rather than it’s subpar and slightly misogynistic plotline, as is the case with most of Mozart’s operas.  With […]