Trapped in our liberal echo chamber, we ignored Trump’s America. We can’t anymore.
Our worst fears came true last night.
Donald Trump — the arrogant, alt-right, bombastic candidate of hate — will be the 45th President of the United States.
Donald Trump — a man who built his campaign on the rotten foundations of misogyny, bigotry and fear-mongering — will be the next leader of the free world.
We stand solemn today. We stand in both shock and shame as we’ve watched this man grow from a sideshow display of political mockery to our newly elected head of state.
Like countless college students across the nation, we foolishly enclosed ourselves in liberal echo chambers while hundreds of miles away in gaping pockets across America, the voices of mostly white, working-class males, screamed out “Trump, Trump, Trump!”
In our attempt to celebrate progress, promote diversity and encapsulate the shifting demographics of America, we neglected to acknowledge a sect of the American electorate that felt both disenfranchised by these very trends and excluded by the institutions that promote them.
This election made one thing frightfully clear: There exists two Americas, and only one of them was getting our attention.
We ignored the demographic that whole-heartedly believed in a country that was broken, that needed barriers to be fortified, that needed to turn away diversity to achieve stability. That is the population of people that bought into Trump’s disgusting rhetoric.
They were invisible from the media, invisible from the polls, and in their eyes, invisible to the institutions in Washington.Trump gave them a voice, a scapegoat and most importantly, visibility.
Ironically, these legions of Trump supporters saw themselves disintegrating from the cloth of modern America; but perhaps, it is now the progressive, diverse body of America that has little place.
As a member of the press corps, we cannot help but feel we are partially to blame. We were complicit in the rose-colored lenses of “unity” and “togetherness” that the Clinton campaign projected and the idea that Trump’s America did not and would not ever exist.
Countless veritable publications covered Trump, the bombastic celebrity, for his widely publicized gaffes and his petulant social media tirades. They argued that his ideology attacked marginalized people — women, people of color, religious groups, immigrants, the LGBT community — and if elected, the America we know from history books would crumble. And this, though true, failed to fully address the people on the other side. In their vision for America’s prosperity, the white, working-class man — the poster child of the Trump voting bloc — does not prioritize the interests of traditionally marginalized people. Legions of silent Trump supporters whom he represented were left uncovered in the media’s narrative.
We at the Daily Trojan are as guilty as any media outlet of just this. We ran countless opinion pieces, labeling Trump as “unqualified,” a “racist,” a “sexist,” a “xenophobe” and even “orange,” but never did we treat him as a viable voice for an American populace that felt betrayed by our government. Of course, our dismissals of Trump did not deter these voters from voting for Trump, because they themselves felt dismissed by us.
The America we saw was one paved with the promise of a brighter, more equal future for all. A major political party had just nominated its first female candidate for president following the election of the first black president, and to us, America was making strides to form a more perfect union. This, however, was not the America they saw. The America they saw was leaving them behind, and they felt unheard and discouraged by the American political system.
With the election of Donald Trump, our viewpoints have shifted. While we, on liberal college campuses across the country, lamented a step backward for the country we want to live in, they see a brighter future, with a candidate that will not cast them aside as yesterday’s polling numbers.
But this comes with dangerous consequences.
We cannot downplay the historic significance of this outcome, even beyond the loss of our first real chance to elect the first female president. This is an election that will have a profound impact on our generation, as all of us will now graduate into Trump’s America.
For many of us — quiet masses staring at our television screens last night with mouths agape and eyes misty — this might appear to be a time of despair. This might appear to be the time to give up on a nation which seemingly has stepped decades back into its hateful past.
Despair, however, is not the answer. Now more than ever, our generation must continue the critical mass of activism that burned throughout this election season to carry America to where it should be — a progressive beacon of hope, opportunity and democratic purpose.
America let us down last night, but that does not mean we turn our back on her. In the words of Hillary Rodham Clinton, we are indeed stronger together, and by uniting in purpose, we can propel this nation back into its rightful track. Yes, there are two Americas, but we must continue to fight until we are, once again, one.
Daily Trojan Fall 2016 Editorial Board
“why do my eyes hurt?”
“you’ve never used them before”
It is hard me to believe that so many young Americans and Democrats are fearful of President Elect Donald Trump and The New Republican Party. Today’s Republican Party is the party protecting Americans rights and future. READ THIS ARTICLE.
These young people are protesting for a candidate whose message and history was that of corruption. The families Clinton Foundation is the center of the corruption. TAKE THE TIME TO READ ALL THE CLINTON FOUNDATION HISTORY OF CORRUPTION. THE OLDER GENRATION LIVED THROUGH IT THAT IS WHY THEY VOTED FOR REAL HOPE AND CHANGE.
Facts the Protesters do not know but need to hear.
AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING IN POVERTY IN THE US. THESE ARE FACTS. DO YOUR RESEARCH. PRESIDENT ELECT DONALD TRUMP LET AMARICA KNOW, 4 out of every 10 African Americans children under the age of 6 live in poverty. Think about these statistics. By the Democratic Party keeping this culture down it will create many more Americans with potential that will end up becoming in one way or another dependent on American Government. President Elect Trump offers a strong contrast to the historical norm. Let’s educate minorities, build minority infrastructure hubs and create jobs and opportunities for the minority cultures. THE MESSAGE AND PLAN IS REAL
97 MILLION AMERICANS are out of the work force. The US has about 350 Million people. The current administration was not reporting the actual facts.
The media is controlled by organizations looking to create a nationalized government. The reporters feel they are doing right because the information they are being feed by manipulated groups. Here is an Example and a dose of Truth.
For starters, The Clinton’s used her Foundation as a way for people to gain access to Hillary’s State Department. Of the 154 people who had an audience with Secretary Clinton, 85 of them donated to her Foundation in some manner.
It is important to note that these weren’t small donors either. The 85 people gave a combined donation of $156 million to Clinton’s charity.
The Clinton Foundation has also received a number of donations which were from abusive and anti-American nations. This alone undercuts Hillary’s claim that she wanted to be a champion for minorities and women. These nations included Saudi Arabia, which has a notable ban on women operating a vehicle and is against gay rights. How many Americans are aware of this fact? The bigger question is why people especially young people would blindly follow a party and individual that was bought and paid for by special interests.
Bernie Sanders and the election process were manipulated so he did not win by the DNC. You do not hear the media talking or reporting about it. The past two DNC heads which we know about manipulated the selection process of the democratic selected candidate.
The reason Americans elected Donald Trump is because he is a true businessman and has the instinct and intelligence to lead our nation. He called out all the problems.
He is not represented properly by the media. It is propaganda. He was an amazing businessman and also in the T& A Industry. He was amazingly successful in both industries. Think about it, when a comedian develops an act, is that truly who the comedian is as a person. NO
Donald J. Trump is a true American hero. People who never stopped to research him or just blindly believed the media are being fooled. The 60 Million, Yes 60 Million American who voted for President Elect Trump, took the time to understand his true message.
Even if you doubt him, give him a chance. You will eventually look at him as an American Hero.
In history we had another President who used the same ideas to change and make America great. His name was Ronald Regan. He was a movie actor who starred in Bedtime for Bonzo. He became one of the great American Presidents in our history and helped all American People. Give President Trump a chance. Learn the real facts, Study WikiLeaks. God Bless America.
This is an opinion article for Americans to really consider.
Too little too late. Screw you.
It would appear that this paper and the so called “editors” failed to look at the New York Times exit polling based on race, age, and ethnicity. Trump won more Latino, Black, and other race votes than Mitt Romney did. In some cases 11% higher. While the increase in whites for Trump only went up 1%. So you have a baseless claim that “disenfranchised whites” won Trump Office, the facts are against you. And the continual identity politics and race baiting by this paper now and in the past is only causing a division in our society. It is the politicians who are responsible it is the press that shapes public opinions.
Not to mention he also Polled better with 18-25 year olds than Mitt Romney did as well. I see inferences to the uneducated working class whites in here. Who went heavily towards Trump, but we don’t talk about the 80+% of uneducated working class blacks that voted Hillary. Get real.
The campi of America are isloted bastions of liberalism that are desperately out of touch with American society. You only have to look at Pac 12 school, University of Colorado that once fancied a establishing a “conservative” chair within their faculty. It is many years since I saw a study of the faculties of western states (was a University of Oregon or Oregon State grad student thesis) with liberals holing better than 90% of the positions which is way over the top compared to our society levels.
American did not let anyone down last night. America worked as the free country of America should work. What makes our country so wonderful and great, is, we are a free country who gets to choose who we want to lead us, and as freedoms are suppose to work, the majority wins. We are not a North Korea where, if you don’t vote for the person in power, you are killed. Therefore, they have elections where 100% of the people have to vote for that one person. More than 50% of American last night did not believe that the “Progressive movement” is the beacon of hope, opportunity and democratic purpose. The freedom to vote is how Americans, regardless of privilege or economic status, maintain the power to hold their elected representatives accountable for the decisions that impact their lives. A free society that has the opportunity to vote for which ever candidate they believe can give us beacon of hope, opportunity and purpose. So you will never have 100% of the people agree…..but the wonderful thing is, we have that opportunity to have our say in our free country, who we think is the best to run our country. Last night, the majority of our wonderful country of America, expressed that freedom.
It is hard me to believe that so many young Americans and Democrats are fearful of President Elect Donald Trump and The New Republican Party. Today’s Republican Party is the party protecting Americans rights and future. READ THIS ARTICLE.
These young people are protesting for a candidate whose message and history was that of corruption. The families Clinton Foundation is the center of the corruption. TAKE THE TIME TO READ ALL THE CLINTON FOUNDATION HISTORY OF CORRUPTION. THE OLDER GENERATION LIVED THROUGH IT THAT IS WHY THEY VOTED FOR REAL HOPE AND CHANGE.
Facts the Protesters do not know but need to hear.
AFRICAN AMERICAN CHILDREN ARE SUFFERING IN POVERTY IN THE US. THESE ARE FACTS. DO YOUR RESEARCH. PRESIDENT ELECT DONALD TRUMP LET AMERICAN KNOW, 4 out of every 10 African Americans children under the age of 6 live in poverty. Think about these statistics. By the Democratic Party keeping this culture down it will create many more Americans with potential that will end up becoming in one way or another dependent on American Government. President Elect Trump offers a strong contrast to the historical norm. Let’s educate minorities, build minority infrastructure hubs and create jobs and opportunities for the minority cultures. THE MESSAGE AND PLAN IS REAL
97 MILLION AMERICANS are out of the work force. The US has about 350 Million people. The current administration was not reporting the actual facts.
The media is controlled by organizations looking to create a nationalized government. The reporters feel they are doing right because the information they are being feed by manipulated groups. Here is an Example and a dose of Truth.
For starters, The Clinton’s used her Foundation as a way for people to gain access to Hillary’s State Department. Of the 154 people who had an audience with Secretary Clinton, 85 of them donated to her Foundation in some manner.
It is important to note that these weren’t small donors either. The 85 people gave a combined donation of $156 million to Clinton’s charity.
The Clinton Foundation has also received a number of donations which were from abusive and anti-American nations. This alone undercuts Hillary’s claim that she wanted to be a champion for minorities and women. These nations included Saudi Arabia, which has a notable ban on women operating a vehicle and is against gay rights. How many Americans are aware of this fact? The bigger question is why people especially young people would blindly follow a party and individual that was bought and paid for by special interests.
Bernie Sanders and the election process were manipulated so he did not win by the DNC. You do not hear the media talking or reporting about it. The past two DNC heads which we know about manipulated the selection process of the democratic selected candidate.
The reason Americans elected Donald Trump is because he is a true businessman and has the instinct and intelligence to lead our nation. He called out all the problems.
He is not represented properly by the media. It is propaganda. He was an amazing businessman and also in the T& A Industry. He was amazingly successful in both industries. Think about it, when a comedian develops an act, is that truly who the comedian is as a person. NO
Donald J. Trump is a true American hero. People who never stopped to research him or just blindly believed the media are being fooled. The 60 Million, Yes 60 Million American who voted for President Elect Trump, took the time to understand his true message.
Even if you doubt him, give him a chance. You will eventually look at him as an American Hero.
In history we had another President who used the same ideas to change and make America great. His name was Ronald Regan. He was a movie actor who starred in Bedtime for Bonzo. He became one of the great American Presidents in our history and helped all American People. Give President Trump a chance. Learn the real facts, Study WikiLeaks. God Bless America.
This is an opinion article for Americans to really consider.
As a conservative, I have to say this is an excellent piece by the DT. I particularly liked the discussion on the echo chamber that many university campus’s have become. Regardless of which side you are on, and echo chamber where only your own opinion is reinforced is never a good thing.