The Daily Trojan endorses Michaela & Meagan
As the University prepares to undergo a pivotal leadership transition, it is more important than ever that USC has competent student leaders who are cognizant of the stakes of their positions, passionate about their work and willing to advocate on behalf of the student body. Undergraduate Student Government presidential candidate Michaela Murphy and vice presidential candidate Meagan Lane embody the experience, adaptive feasibility and steadfast values that we want — and need — in our student leaders.
After conducting interviews with each of the presidential tickets and reviewing their platforms and records, the Daily Trojan Editorial Board endorses Murphy and Lane to serve as next year’s USG president and vice president. Their promise is not only a platform of hope, but a platform of proof. All 26 of their platform points reflect a vision of holistic foresight, tangible action and relentless activism that serves a wide array of goals encompassing community, sustainability and accountability.
First and foremost, the pair brings an unparalleled level of experience and familiarity with USG procedures. Having both served as senators this year, Murphy and Lane have the know-how and clout within the organization to drive meaningful change — much of which is already underway, a testament to their tireless efforts.
Although their platform points are numerous and ambitious, the pair has already laid the groundwork as senators and have the authority to see them through. During their Senate terms, Murphy and Lane advocated and saw to completion student-centered initiatives, such as institutionalizing USG’s Diversity Fund, updating emergency contact information on USCards and implementing a campus-wide subscription for The New York Times. Their longer term goals to increase menstrual product accessibility and to rename the Von KleinSmid Center, for example, have already yielded concrete results, and Murphy and Lane are well-positioned to bring other measures to fruition.
The Michaela & Meagan ticket is aware of the need for culture change within USG and the University, and have risen to the task of being those change-makers.
Following a year fraught with scandals and antipathy at the University’s most senior leadership level, Murphy and Lane are prepared to hold USG to the same standard of transparency they demand from the USC administration. Rightfully so, they have plans to live-stream Senate decisions, release more detailed minutes of administrative meetings, host external office hours and share USG budget reports to engage the student body and promote transparency.
Murphy and Lane also understand the importance of continuity at this critical juncture and are dedicated to improving the transition of leadership for incoming and future USG leaders. They are dedicated to training the next group of student leaders, ensuring student concerns are heard and prioritizing projects so that feasible outcomes are reached.
Their community-minded campaign also reflects consideration of the USC community’s need for unity and stability. Key aspects of their platform goals are focused on partnership and communication with various campus organizations to bring student contributions to the larger community.
The Michaela & Meagan ticket is also prepared to hold USC to strict standard, adamant that there is no ask too big or bold for the University. Leveraging their already well-established connections within USG and USC, the pair plans to host round table discussions with the University and promote the student voice through a shared governance symposium.
Above all, Murphy and Lane exhibit an unrivaled passion for civil service, empathy for student needs and drive to finish what they have already started. The Daily Trojan believes the Michaela & Meagan ticket, if elected, will spark necessary change in the campus community through their activist leadership and relentless commitment to student representation. Voters should keep this in mind when they head to the polls this week.