Entries by Paulina Ordaz

The LA Lifestyle: Adjustment

Last year, when I first began my chapter of life at USC, everything was new and exciting. Coming from Seattle, I was especially excited about the constant sunny days and the opportunity to develop a never-ending tan. I remember making a bucket list of everything that I wanted to accomplish during my freshman year. Items […]

The Genuine Freshman: Where the Hell are my Friends?

Making meaningful friends your first semester can be an extremely difficult thing as a freshman. Finding your tribe or your niche of people that you can easily relate to is something that takes time, and I did not fully understand that during my first semester. During the first few of weeks of classes first semester, […]

Show Me the Coffee: Found Coffee

As a coffee enthusiast, I find myself traversing Los Angeles in search of a coffee shop that satisfies my taste buds, as well as aesthetic needs. Situated in Eagle Rock, California, Found Coffee opened its gates to a caffeinated promise land. The abundance of succulents and carrera marble countertops transported me to realm of endless […]

How To: Stay Healthy and Fit This Semester

Now that the new semester is well and truly in full swing (midterms, what?), getting a grip on your health and fitness goals is becoming increasingly a priority. Whether your goals for the semester are to lose those last 10 pounds, get fit, run a half-marathon or simply feel better in your own skin, you […]

Zinc Café: A Vegetarian Meal with a Side of James Franco

If you asked me what the best part of my weekend was, I would definitely say it was my experience at Zinc Café & Market, and not just because I was seated three feet away from actor James Franco. Located on Mateo Street in the up and coming Arts District, Zinc is the perfect spot […]

Trojan Postcards: New Year’s in New York

Signing off 2016 had to be special. Going back to grad school, moving continents away from family — 2016 was a year of life-changing decisions for me, and it was all quite overwhelming. Winter break couldn’t have been more welcome! I took the chance to reconnect with my closest family in this country and enjoy a […]

With a Twist: New Year’s Resolutions

  Disclaimer: this blog is not about bartending or ordering a drink. In order to understand why my column is titled “with a twist,” answer these three questions first. Do you ever feel frustrated? Do you ever wish you knew someone who had solutions to your life struggles? Do you ever feel like you are […]

Mass Molestations in Bangalore

On New Year’s Eve in Bangalore – a city considered to be one of the most modern and cosmopolitan areas in India – photos and live footage of mass molestations of women were captured and publicized, attracting the attention of international news outlets. Despite a dispatch of a 1500-member police force to contain the incident, […]

The Genuine Freshman: Superficiality in Social Media

The summer before the first semester of my freshman year, all I could think about was how excited I was to begin this new chapter in my life. Everyone had nothing but positive things to say about USC and Los Angeles, and it did not even cross my mind that I might have adjustment issues […]

Sips Tea: Follow the Rainy Brick Road

It’s a new year, a new semester, but the same me. Your girl is back and better than ever. I’ve never been a New Year’s resolutions kind of chick, probably because all my promises to eat healthier quickly expire as soon as I have a craving for a burger after the ball drops. Some things […]