Entries by Paulina Ordaz

Interviews with Trump Supporters at USC

Whether you’re a Donald Trump supporter or not, it’s hard to deny that the release of his Access Hollywood tape has been a defining moment in this election, causing irreversible damage to his campaign. Prominent Democrats and Republicans both have spoken out against his comments, describing them as the unacceptable language of sexual assault, subsequently […]

5 Food-Themed Halloween Costumes

Halloween is right around the corner, and we all know that means it’s time to start brainstorming the perfect costume. There are tons of ideas floating around on the internet. It seems like everyone wants to dress as popular TV show characters. Or maybe people will opt for the classic angel or devil costume. What […]

Tour de California: Biking Down PCH

“Do you want to bike across California with me this summer?” I don’t think my friend Jake expected me to say “yes” when he asked me this question midway through my final year of high school. I didn’t expect myself to say “yes” either…I didn’t own a bike, I didn’t know the first thing about […]

My Trojan Experience: College Expectations vs. Reality

  In the months leading up to college, I subconsciously began forming expectations for what college life would be like. With each day college approached, my expectations grew higher. Simply put, I expected college to be fun and full with new experiences. I had completely disregarded the actual academic “school” part of college.   My […]

Sips Tea: How To NOT Be Problematic This Halloween

Breaking news: It rained on Monday! Granted, it wasn’t a downpour or even a storm, but there were clouds and a drizzle, so it counts. It’s always been funny to me that as soon as one drop of rain hits the USC campus, students scatter. There is often a spike in absences that day (myself […]

Mom’s Pick: Mothership Connection

This week on Mom’s Pick, I’m exploring the eighth wonder of the world: Parliament’s funky album from 1976, Mothership Connection. Surprisingly, I don’t even think this album belonged to my mom; If anything, it’s probably my dad’s. Nonetheless, it’s still in the family, just the wrong parent. To be perfectly honest, I really can’t imagine either […]

4 Recipes To Try On Your Next Camping Trip

As USC students, we have the opportunity to camp at incredible sites around California. There are campgrounds all over the state at spots like Joshua Tree, Yosemite, Black Mountain, and Death Valley to name just a few. These places have amazing scenery and provide a break from South Central. The only thing that could improve […]

I Got 99 Problems, But A Registration Date Ain’t One

I actually wore a sweater this week! Finally. But it was a short-lived celebration that quickly resulted in what would be a classic scene from Punk’d. Although Ashton Kutcher wasn’t there to personally laugh at me, the overcast clouds clearing out before noon was indication enough that I had made the wrong outfit choice. We […]

Megan’s Midterms Survival Guide

Midterm season has begun! Although it feels like we have only been in school for a couple of days, the reality is that we are halfway finished with the Fall semester. I know that when I flipped the page in my weekly planner yesterday my heart quite literally skipped a beat. Three midterms in the […]

Daily Trojan’s Daily Poet: Forgiveness After Betrayal

This week’s series of poems are about finding forgiveness after betrayal. The first poem talks about the betrayal of being pulled in and pushed out of a relationship. As the poems progress, it discusses inner conflictions that have stemmed from the emotions of anger and sadness associated with the betrayal. “IDENTITIES” is about the struggle […]