Entries by Valerie Yu

Five ways to repurpose overripe bananas

With the year winding down, many of us are struggling to care for ourselves. As I’m sure most of you have encountered some moldy food this semester, it’s important to keep an eye on perishable foods. But before tossing out a common food that you think is about to go bad, reconsider. Bananas are a […]

Musing on the impossibilities of game theory

Sometimes relentless optimism is frustrating, especially when surrounded by a bitterly pragmatic world in which change only comes glacially, if at all. And perhaps it’s even more exasperating to understand why political, social and economic problems aren’t resolved the way we’d like them to. In fact, even though individuals act in their own self-interest, straightforward […]

When in Rome, experience all aspects of the history

Who knew that fallen and scattered marble stones and pillars could take your breath away? I surely didn’t. Well, not until this past weekend when I went to Rome, Italy and became the ultimate tourist. I first realized the beauty of a time long past while in the Foro Romano, or Roman Forum. From my […]

Why some people have such a hard time with vulnerability

I am part of this incredible club on campus called “I Am That Girl.” It is a group of women who meet each week to talk openly about topics that matter. We share in our common struggles, laugh at one another and lift each other up. This week, the topic of conversation was called “Speak […]

Hiking among Shinto deities

This past Sunday, I found myself wheezing as I climbed the impossible stairs of Mount Takao, located in the city of Hachioji near downtown Tokyo. It had been raining the night before, and the smell of wet loam and bark hung heavy in the air. Once in a while, there was the scuffing of a shoe […]

Clean Bandit delivers electrifying performance at the Fonda

In 2015, Clean Bandit began their nationwide tour featuring a show at the Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles on April 15 for their debut studio album New Eyes.  Formed in 2009, the group consists of Grace Chatto, Neil Amin-Smith and brothers Jack Patterson and Luke Patterson. After DJ Ivy set the stage with a high-energy […]

Last-minute tips to make your essay shine

Maybe you forgot you had an essay to write. Or, maybe you just put it off until the last minute. Either way, it’s the night before your important paper is due and you are just relieved that you’re no longer staring at a blank screen. It can be tempting to submit your paper to Turnitin […]

Amazebowls: Embrace the purple goodness of the acaí bowl

Kale, nut butter, arugula, coconut oil — we’ve seen our fair share of superfood trends over the years that claim to offer consumers a clean bill of health. A current top contender on the list is a small yet powerful tropical berry with celebrity spokespersons like Dr. Oz and Oprah advocating its various health benefits. […]

The perks of running on porteño time

Time. In the United States, we never seem to have enough of it.  In Argentina, there is always more of it. This was one of the first things I noticed when coming to Buenos Aires, and, at first, it was one of the hardest things for me to adjust to. I will admit that after […]