Entries by Valerie Yu

Preview: Clean Bandit is ready for Wednesday’s show at the Fonda

Clean Bandit is an electronic dance group founded in 2009 in Cambridge, England. Recently their success with song “Rather Be” has spurred a huge following now not only in their home of the U.K., but also here in the United States. We sat down to talk to Grace Chatto, a member of Clean Bandit, about the […]

In Photos: Modes of Transportation Around the World

Whether it’s by moped or foot, people need to get places daily. While public transportation isn’t such a big deal here in L.A., it definitely makes up a huge component in cities like Buenos Aires and Paris where the bus, taxi and subway systems are well-developed and well-used. After all, the joy of travel lies […]

Normandy: A weekend on American sand

This weekend, I had the opportunity to do something I haven’t done since I began my study abroad experience three months ago — I (temporarily) returned to U.S. soil. No, I didn’t hop on a plane back to the States. Instead, my entire program at USC Paris took a bus west towards the French region […]

Café Gratitude satisfies both stomach and soul

There is no way that ordering a meal by saying, “I am happy,” could possibly go wrong, especially when you’re at Café Gratitude, a vegan restaurant located in the arts district that inspires its diners to become healthier and more. The hipster locale has a soothing ambience with calm music and an outdoor patio. We sat […]

Pascua in the Pueblo

As a Jew, Easter for me usually means stocking up on jellybeans and peeps at the least, and being invited to dinner at my Gentile friends’ houses if I’m lucky. Spending “Pascua” (Easter) in Spain is a different story. The majority of Spain’s population is Catholic, and everyone goes on vacation the entire week leading up […]

The eternal, ephemeral and modern of Japan

Recently, the weather in Tokyo has taken a turn for the worse. On Wednesday, there was snow slush in the streets. Thus the cherry blossoms, which are naturally short-lived, have suffered horribly and the streets are filled with brown and trampled petals. During the peak season, though, I luckily made it to Sensōji Temple, a […]

Four tips that will help hone your body language

Since childhood, we have always been told to sit up straight and stand tall. Though at times this was an annoyance and we wanted our mothers to stop, there was quite a bit of truth in the request. As we age, one of the quickest things to fall short, besides the obvious of our eyesight […]

The underrated beauty of Yik Yak

Much of this year’s campus controversy has stemmed from the unfiltered social media app, YikYak, where people can anonymously post threads and comments, using an ‘up-vote down-vote’ system as a marker of popularity. The danger of giving college students unlimited access to an anonymous forum is evident: insensitive jokes, racial slurs and personal attacks are […]

April Arts Roundup 

With warmer weather ahead it seems that festivals and events have too moved out doors. Spring is certainly a season to appreciate the nature around us, but it’s also one to appreciate great art. There are the more popular arts festivals like Coachella, but if you weren’t lucky enough to score tickets or it simply […]

Empire found success by capturing the journey of hip-hop

It’s been a minute since Empire first launched its pilot. Now, 12 titillating episodes later, this Fox drama has hooked 23 million viewers, with our First Lady Michelle Obama among the first to confess unbridled passion for the show. The show has got all the makings of a melodrama — a gay son with a […]