Entries by Valerie Yu

Four thoughts students have when they spot a tour group

We’ve all been there. You’re running a few minutes late and pedal your bike faster, picking up speed to make up for lost time and (hopefully) get to class on time. But your plan is soon foiled when you suddenly have to slam on your brakes to avoid hitting the masses of people traversing campus. Now […]

John Hancock wins for next big idea in life insurance

John Hancock is the first life insurance company to offer something this radical to American consumers — let the company monitor your health on a Fitbit tracker you wear and pay less on your life insurance premiums. At first glance, the proposal seems far-fetched, but there’s promise for positive change in between the lines. In most […]

Six things to buy on your next Trader Joe’s run

Though, unfortunately, there isn’t a Trader Joe’s within walking distance from campus (2017, come sooner please), sometimes it’s nice to grab an Uber or your friend’s car to make a trip to a grocery store other than Fresh & Easy and Ralph’s. I personally only shop at Trader Joe’s and am consistently satisfied with ever […]

Nature’s Brew should be on your list of favorite study cafés

As one of the closest non-­USC affiliated cafés near campus, Nature’s Brew is a convenient, and hip study spot among students. Located on South Union Ave, the café is about a 15 to 20-minute walk from campus and offers customers a humble abode to study or chat while snacking. The café’s lunch and dinner menu consists of […]

L.A.’s New Downtown: The Classic Coffee

If you were to say you were going to Downtown Los Angeles for dining or entertainment 10 years ago, people would have thought you were crazy. The only reason you went Downtown was for cheap Persian rugs or to get a bargain at a weekend swap-meet. Even five or six years ago, it was still […]

Emojis open door to more encompassing forms of expression

Yesterday, I had a conversation with my best friend using emojis alone. And before you ask, yes, I was disgusted with myself. On one hand, I do feel like I should justify my actions. We know each other, so we know that the pizza emoji doesn’t just mean pizza — it means I want pizza […]

The problem with personhood

Officially defining who gets to be called a person under the law has always been a controversial issue. Arguments over the beginning of personhood have defined the abortion debate. The Citizens United ruling has brought corporate citizenship to the forefront of debate. And now Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act has brought up the question […]

I got 99 problems, and you’re probably one

The other day, my friend and I launched into a conversation about the music industry, one that was both enlightening and frustrating to someone hoping to one day work in the business. He advocated for free access to music, a sentiment shared by the majority of our peers, and his arguments ranged from “I refuse […]

Diablo Taco’s delicious innovation makes it worth the money

A mere 20 minutes away from campus, sitting right on Sunset Boulevard is the small and rustic, yet lively Diablo Taco. A heavy wooden door will open its way to a dungeon-like room with brick walls and a high-top wooden table that crosses the whole restaurant. Food is self-served, with the menu displayed on a […]

In Photos: Street food around the world

When it comes to street food, Armando’s, Amazebowls and the Boba Truck are just a few favorites among USC students. Whether it’s dim sum, burritos or Korean BBQ, you can’t go wrong with the kitchens of the streets — both here in L.A. and the world beyond. Street food vending is a global phenomenon, from bustling night […]