Entries by Valerie Yu

You don’t exist, probably

One of philosopher Rene Descartes’ most famous philosophical statements reads, “Cogito ergo sum,” or “I think, therefore I am.” He posits the existence itself requires no evidence, and rather just contemplating existence proves it. But what does it mean to exist? What if you did not truly exist in an encompassing universe? What if reality […]

Q & A: Rick Caruso and the City of Los Angeles

“Rick Caruso, it’s a pleasure. I’ll be right with you, let me just get settled in my office,” Mr. Caruso said as he shook my hand in the lobby of Caruso Affiliated offices at The Grove in Mid-City Los Angeles. Stepping out of the elevator, he was returning from a business meeting and was stepping […]

London: Getting out of the comfort zone slump is a must

There’s a point during study abroad when you’ll no longer feel like a tourist in your adopted city. And that’s usually around the same time your parents decide to visit you across the pond. My mom and dad made their first international trip last Saturday to visit me for a week in London. They had […]

Good Karma Café offers the healthiest dishes on campus

Right across the street from Taper Hall, nestled in a small courtyard, sits the Good Karma Café that serves all-you-can-eat vegetarian buffet open to the public. Organized by the Office of Religious Life and the United University Church, the Good Karma Café offers unlimited food for only $10. Tuesdays they serve Indian food, and Wednesday’s […]

Final Four remix: What if the Elite Eight had gone totally differently?

This year’s NCAA Tournament has felt different. It just has. Perhaps it is because of the conspicuous absences. No Florida. No Michigan. No Connecticut. No Syracuse. Even tournament regulars like Creighton and St. Louis failed to make the field of 68. Or maybe it is because this year’s edition of March Madness has not been […]

In Photos : Architecture from a global perspective

“Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul,” Ernest Dimnet, French writer, once said. This art of building becomes what we make our homes. It lives within the very designs that reflect our culture and heritage, mirrors to the eras in which they first arose. Here are a handful […]

Paying a visit to two goddesses in Kamakura

Spring is coming, and all over Japan, flowers are just beginning to bloom. A little over a week ago, I went with a group of friends to Kamakura-shi, in Kanagawa Prefecture. Kamakura is known for being the seat of the Shogunate during the famed Kamakura Period and within its borders are a number of famous […]

Celebrating my one year anniversary with USC

This week, the USC Admissions Center sent out thousands of packages containing good news: acceptances to this university, and more importantly, invitations to join the Trojan Family. As the academic year is quickly drawing to a close, it is astonishing to think that nearly one-fourth of my college experience is over. What a year it […]

Where am I? You are Here (Café)!

Recently, I visited the very popular You are Here Café with a few friends. Now, I didn’t know this until I actually went to the café, but it’s actually owned by Eat Your Kimchi and Talk to Me in Korean. For those of you who don’t have a clue who or what Eat Your Kimchi […]