Entries by Valerie Yu

Five ways to cope with post-spring break reality

With barely five weeks left of class, it’s safe to say that the most difficult time of the year is upon us. The Trojans have just returned from spring break, and regardless of where they went or how they spent their time, they must now face the reality of the remainder of second semester. USC […]

Radha: A place of giving, solely for the sake of yoga

Today, it seems that everyone and their mother is doing yoga, but yoga surely does not come cheap. In cities throughout the U.S., studios like Yoga to the People are making it their mission to make yoga accessible for everyone, regardless of experience or income. These types of studios offer classes that cater to yogis […]

Study abroad tip #456: Approach budget airlines with caution

I don’t think you can really call yourself a study abroad student (in Europe, that is) unless you’ve known some of the horrors of flying budget airlines, particularly the kingpin of them all – Ryanair. Last weekend, I was formally indoctrinated into study abroad lifestyle when I checked in (online, of course, to avoid the […]

Teleportation during weekend travels

It’s pretty easy to forget that there’s life outside of Paris. Thankfully, our amazing staff at the ACCENT center wouldn’t let us forget so easily. Two weekends ago, they organized a trip for all the USC students to travel south of the bustling city of lights. One hop, skip and a TGV (this stands for Train […]

MOOCs rise to the task of making college affordable, accessible and adaptable

Nowadays, mass open online courses (MOOCs) could just be the answer to the rising barriers of attending college. In 2012, it cost the average student $33,716 to attend a four-year institution, when barely 20 years ago, it would have cost the same student just $15,306. MOOCs cater to those who cannot, or find it difficult […]

Bring fall to spring with a bowl of roasted butternut squash soup

The first day of spring just passed, but it doesn’t mean we have to box up our favorite recipes from seasons past. During a trip to Ralph’s, I stumbled upon a package of pre-cut butternut squash which to me was very exciting because, firstly, butternut squash is extremely difficult to peel and cut, and secondly, […]

Five must-take classes to brighten up your fall schedule

With registration fast approaching, you might be wondering what classes to take and how to craft a perfect schedule. If you’re a senior, odds are you’re going to have the freedom to take electives, and you most definitely should take advantage of the awesome classes USC has to offer. Here are five fun/popular/interesting classes you should […]

The quest to expand my horizons, both literally and figuratively

Prior to setting foot in Italy, I had a lot of expectations for what my experience here would entail despite trying hard not to. I’d occasionally get asked, “What made you decide to study abroad?” and my answer would always include a jumble of responses. After speaking to other students who have been spending their […]

Narcissism seeps through spring break social media posts

As school resumes and spring break becomes a thing of the past, the very last of the spring breakers’ Facebook updates and Instagram posts trickle in—the posed beach photos, selfies by the beach and glossy updates from exotic vacation destinations. Admittedly, I have been increasingly guilty of updating my own social media accounts more when […]

Beyond Wonderland stuns with its musical acts

Over the past weekend, Insomniac’s brilliant mastermind Pasquale Rotella hosted Beyond Wonderland at the San Manuel Amphitheater in San Bernardino, bringing in more than 60 DJs and 70,000 attendees. The festival was held on March 20 and 21, coinciding perfectly with spring break season. It thoroughly utilized the renowned outdoor music venue through placement of four […]