Entries by Valerie Yu

The crazy life behind the lens

“News, your photos are up! Tease is also done!” Our job is seemingly rote. We come into the office at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. every Monday night through Thursday and at 12 p.m. every Sunday afternoon. We sit down at our workstation, open Google Chrome and an ugly array of tabs (Google Mail, Google […]

Five songs that capture the college experience

The college experience is truly a unique one, especially when expressed through music. Whether it’s getting pumped up for a party, commiserating about a bad breakup or midterm, or just living the life of the young and invincible, music is an integral part of our everyday experience here in college. There happens to be a […]

Six healthy late-night snacks to fuel midterm season

  Midterm season is upon us. If you’re anything like me, you are staying up until 2 a.m. memorizing study guides, furiously typing essays and taking practice exams. At some point during this process, your stomach starts to growl. You can’t focus. You’re dying for a snack. Most of the time, you’re tempted to run […]

Alice in Chains endures beyond teenage angst

If you’ve been following this blog, you might be seeing a trend by now: I really like the ’90s. And who can blame me? The ’90s were awesome — hair metal faded in favor of grunge, and bands started playing real instruments again. My personal favorite group from that era (and really one of my […]

Throwing out ripe bananas and expired bread? Not so fast!

It’s always unfortunate when food goes bad and you’re forced to throw it away, but before you do that, here are some ideas to salvage some of those goodies. Ripe bananas If you bananas have gone ripe, don’t worry! That’s the perfect way for them to be used in the next two delicious desserts: A) […]

Five easy ways to get you and your body ready for Spring Break 2016

You’re sitting in Leavey studying for midterms, but the only thing that’s really on your mind is Cabo. In less than one week, your only worry in the world is going to be whether your tan is even or if you got the perfect picture of you and your friends for Instagram. But with spring […]

Five places in LA to get your burrito fix without going to Chipotle

Most college students depend on Chipotle to satisfy their burrito cravings, and that makes sense. After all, Chipotle has quick service, quality food and a wide variety of fillings. On top of everything else, the food is pretty affordable. What’s not to love? However, while Chipotle burritos are great, they aren’t the only option. Once […]

Confessions of a blogophobe

Though I’ve been editor for Blogs for months now, it is admittedly odd that I haven’t owned or written for a personal blog before. In fact, I have a fear of writing them. When discussing my phobia with my co-editor, Valerie, she put it best: “It’s so personal but so public at the same time.” […]

Best places to get your greens on campus

When you’re in a hungry mood between classes, it’s easy to want to satisfy your hunger with a sugary granola bar or with orange chicken from Panda Express. But if you’re looking for something substantial to eat, consider getting a “green-centric meal.” There are many ways to incorporate some greens into your diet right on […]