Entries by Valerie Yu

Stonehenge challenges tourists’ perceptions

Sometimes study abroad takes you to places you never knew you wanted to go to. For me, that was Stonehenge. As my roommates and I boarded the filled-to-capacity bus for our day trip to Stonehenge, all I could think to myself was, I will be spending the next three hours looking at a conglomerate of […]

Amman, Jordan: The calm before the storm

When you think weather in the Middle East, you think hot, dry and eternally sunny, right? Wrong. This week, Amman has been very cold — especially by Los Angeles standards — a chilly 45 degrees most days, and with winds up to 30 miles per hour, making doing absolutely anything outside extremely unpleasant. Worse yet, this […]

Potential DHS shutdown sheds light on the need for a Senate germaneness rule

Yesterday, The New York Times reported that Speaker of the House John Boehner is prepared to let the Department of Homeland Security shut down. This is a shocking proclamation, especially since the GOP has consistently criticized Obama for his lack of initiative in protecting the country from terrorism, and one of their biggest mantras is […]

Chinese dishes to try at Yang Chow

Found in the heart of Chinatown, this small, yet bright restaurant made for a perfect pre-Valentine’s Friday night dinner. If you are looking to stuff yourself with traditional Chinese food, Yang Chow is definitely your place. Don’t expect too much in terms of appearance. The fact that they don’t focus as much on their physical […]

Ways spring admits can make the most of their first semester

We’re five weeks deep into the spring semester, and hopes and expectations are soaring. From the highly celebrated football games to the rowdy registers thrown from last fall, Spring 2015 has a lot to live up to. Spring semester, however, is usually one that is a bit less wild. There are no longer weekly football […]

NHL shakeup: Cellar-dwellers no longer

Welcome to the humdrum period of professional hockey. It’s February, which means we have watched enough hockey to know which teams are for real, but there is also enough time for teams at the top to slip up and for dark horse teams to gain some momentum and possibly sneak into the playoffs. Meanwhile, we […]

In Photos: Selfie sticks around the globe

In certain places nowadays, putting down your phone to simply take in the scenery is a must. Earlier this month, several museums, including the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn, MoMa in New York and the Getty Center in Los Angeles, have banned the use of selfie sticks — occasionally referred to as “the wand of narcissism.” Around the globe, […]

Healthy ways to stay active on campus

Our campus is not just beautiful; it is useful and conducive for a healthy lifestyle. Though we don’t have hills to run up and down, there is a plethora of ways to workout by staying inside the USC bubble. For those of you who are runners out there, I have two favorite running trails in […]

The bittersweetness of study-abroad goodbyes

Around two weeks ago, the international students at Waseda University finished their last round of finals and clawed their way out of a fast-collapsing pit of deadlines, study-guides, and quiet panic. The end of the semester meant freedom for all of us, but for some of us — single-semester exchange students — it also meant […]