Entries by Valerie Yu

How to celebrate Valentine’s Day without going to a frat party

Though it might be tempting to spend Valentine’s Day — or maybe you prefer to call it Single’s Awareness Day — at a frat party, secretly hating on all the people who are happily in relationships, there are many other (better) activities you can do. Here’s 14 (what a random number!) for you. Watch Fifty […]

Cupid’s save-the-date recipes for this Valentine’s

Looking to impress your sweetheart this Valentine’s Friday with some amazing grub, cooked with love? Look no further, because Cupid Shalaka is here to save your stomach and heart and relationship and everything. Now that we’ve gotten through the shameless, cheesy hook, let’s get real, my friends. You’re reading this article for one of three […]

A trip to Cambridge worth all the while

Since I seem to spend a relatively little amount of my time in London actually attending my university (classes are only two hours a week each), I decided to spend my Friday at another famous university — Cambridge. Probably partially because England is such a small country, there are a ton of great day trips […]

Expectations vs. Reality: Why the transition to college isn’t easy

I’m a freshman. I came to USC with my head held up high, ready for that once-in-a-life-time college experience; I was going to meet tons of new people and develop my passions. Then halfway through the semester, my enthusiasm hit a brick wall and college became a nightmare. There were a lot of reasons why […]

ABC’s Fresh Off the Boat truly gets the Asian American experience

After scrolling through my newsfeed and reading countless articles raving about the new ABC series Fresh Off the Boat, I felt it was my social obligation as an Asian American to check it out myself. But I’m ashamed to admit, it wasn’t at the top of my priorities, or even at the top of my […]

Tokyo: A venture into deep culture

Along with program planned trips and “survival Japanese” lessons, my time in Tokyo so far has been divided between getting to know the Keio University students joining us for the Keio Future Leaders Program (KFLP) and learning about how to immerse oneself in deep culture. Without much consideration, “deep culture” can seem like a wishy-washy, […]

Valentine’s Day, for pessimists and procrastinators

Whether you’ve had your calendar marked for weeks before the day or are dreading its very existence, Valentine’s Day will soon be upon us and there isn’t much we can do about it. For some, it’s a day of celebration and carnations, and for others, a day to really not get out of bed. Regardless, […]

A Cynic’s Guide to Valentine’s Day: Will you be my anti-Valentine?

What is anti-Valentine’s Day? Below you’ll get a breakdown of why you should become your own anti-Valentine and how to celebrate this festive Feb. 14 holiday. WHY? If you agree with any of the following statements, you’re already half way there! Read more for reasons to denounce the day dedicated to projecting the consumerist, Hallmark notion of […]

Chicken zucchini, where delicious meets healthy

Are you a fan of chicken, veggies and/or cooking on your own? Recently I found a recipe that is healthy, easy to make and in my opinion, a lot more flavorful than dining hall food. For this dinner recipe you will need: Boneless, skinless chicken breast Two zucchini (or other squash-like vegetables) One onion Hummus […]

Enjoying cenci in Venice for Carnevale

As I hopped on a bus for my next day trip, I ventured out of Florence in hopes of checking another experience off of my bucket list — Venice for Carnevale. Each year, the celebration lasts about 10 days, starting in late January and continuing until the day before Ash Wednesday. Known for its intricate […]