Entries by Valerie Yu

Tom Brady, the last of a dying breed

Tom Brady was not a highly touted recruit coming out of high school. He was taken in the sixth round in the 2000 NFL Draft — 199th overall, to be exact. He has faced adversity and has excelled. With a chip on his shoulder, Brady has shredded nearly every defense in his path during his […]

Deconstructing what it means to be basic

Perched outside Trojan Grounds, you’re studying and generally minding your own business, when it arrives — the wave of long brown hair of a girl walking out of Starbucks. Donning oversized sunglasses, a loose tank top, lululemon leggings and Ugg boots, she clutches her venti Caramel Macchiato with whipped cream as if it alone gives […]

Growing up — it’s all in the name of college

  I never thought I would say this, but at the end of first semester, hopping on a plane to the freezing-cold East Coast seemed quite appealing. Despite the football games, late nights and new friends that made up my first semester freshman year experience, part of me longed for the familiarity of my former […]

The struggle is real

Welcome back to the realities of college life. Syllabus week is over and the not-so-missed weekly readings are upon the student body once again. The daily routine of coffee runs and running on little to no sleep is back in action. Though some of us students were hoping for just one extra week of rest, […]

Got a mug and a microwave? You’ve got a dessert!

  Sitting in your dorm room one late night, you realize that you are suddenly craving a sweet midnight snack. But the problem is, the dining halls are now closed, you’re low on cash and the food in your mini fridge is all too unappealing. So what are you to do? Well if you have […]

With fall behind us, let’s spring forward

My favorite time to be at USC — and in Los Angeles — is the spring. With the whole of spring semester 2015 upon us, it’s interesting to see how our fellow Trojans experience the season commonly associated with rebirth, flowers, baby animals and cleaning. At USC, it’s more common to associate spring with crop-tops, […]

Truffles in Assisi, Italy

About two hours south of Florence by car is the picturesque hilltop city of Assisi in the region of Umbria. Though well known for the Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi with the works of famous Italian artist, Giotto, I was especially eager to visit Assisi because of what it’s famous for producing: truffles. Not to get […]

La Prima Cena a Firenze

  After 30+ hours of sleepless travel, we finally arrived in the land of endless plates of pasta and pizza — Italy. With orientation starting right as we stepped into the hotel, I felt like a kindergartener on the first day of school. The next day was the big day: meeting the Italian family I […]

Tea and biscuits

Hello from across the pond! As of Monday, I have officially begun my semester study abroad in London. While everything right now is still very new, beautiful and British, I’m slowly adjusting to the cultural differences. Luckily, one of the first truly British cultural experiences I got to indulge in was one of the best […]

What study abroad means to me

  So I’m a fifth-year undergrad, and I did it solely in order to participate in USC’s yearlong study abroad program in Santiago, Chile. I had put these plans aside during my junior year because I thought James Franco was going to springboard my career into Hollywood or whatever, and then again in my senior […]