
Catch up with the food world here. This is your guide to college-student-proof recipes, restaurants worth your money, reviews of the best coffee shops and more. Enjoy these juicy posts, from our kitchen to yours.

Vegan food in LA: Pressed Juicery – Freeze

I chose probably the worst time to go vegan in my entire life – a month into my freshman year at college. I mean, seriously? Did I actually consider the fact that I had to eat out of the on campus dining halls…..? Clearly not, and I quickly realized that living off peanut butter toast […]

A healthy guide to campus cuisine

There’s a lot of things that matter to us college students — parties, tailgates, football, grades(?), sleep, Netflix — and the most important of all: Food. Food is everything. But, what’s even more important to us? Cheap food. The sad side-effect of said ‘cheap food, however, is that often the cheaper the food is more […]

3 must-try Indian recipes

If you ever want to add spice to your life, Indian food is the way to go. Here are three of my favorite Indian recipes that you must try at least once. Chicken Biryani Marinate chicken in about ½ teaspoon of – turmeric powder, salt, chili powder, coriander powder, chopped cilantro, chilies, and mint for […]

Food Delivery Services: Ranked

Food delivery services seem to be everywhere in Los Angeles – in fact, it often feels like a new one pops up everyday. Through these services, I have gotten food from popular places like Kazu, Pressed Juicery, and Urth Caffe delivered quickly and easily. Why sit in L.A. traffic and wait at a restaurant when […]

Downtown Dining: XL Edition

In college, dining out with large groups of six or more people seems inevitable. For the birthday dinners, invite pregames, and almost every other special occasion, college students often choose to venture beyond campus to celebrate. However, it can be difficult to find a restaurant that will fulfill the demands of a large group of hungry twenty-somethings. […]

Four ways to upgrade your everyday oatmeal

Many people consider oatmeal to be a breakfast staple – and it should be, since it is so simple to make and actually pretty healthy for you. Filled with calcium, potassium and fiber, another benefit of oatmeal is that it will fill you up. Oats are complex carbohydrates so the body spends a longer time […]

Tips for shopping at Whole Foods on a budget

I’m just going to come right out and say it – the formidable #CollegeBudget is realer than your Freshman Fifteen struggles in EVK and Cafe 84. It’s true. But just because that Freshman Fifteen got the better of you doesn’t mean that your money (or lack thereof) has to, too. For those that don’t know, […]