The DeeTs

Make this blog your go-to for everything from the best ways to stay fit during finals to exactly happens to our sun-soaked campus when it rains. Come for the tidbits, stay for our two-cents on college life at USC.

Ask Hahney: Drunk Truths & How to Approach Them

I have a friend who is very good at masking her emotions with a smile. One day, we got drunk and she revealed a lot of hardship in life. When I followed up after some time, she pretended like nothing was wrong. I am worried about her, but I don’t want to press her too […]

Interviews with Trump Supporters at USC

Whether you’re a Donald Trump supporter or not, it’s hard to deny that the release of his Access Hollywood tape has been a defining moment in this election, causing irreversible damage to his campaign. Prominent Democrats and Republicans both have spoken out against his comments, describing them as the unacceptable language of sexual assault, subsequently […]

My Trojan Experience: College Expectations vs. Reality

  In the months leading up to college, I subconsciously began forming expectations for what college life would be like. With each day college approached, my expectations grew higher. Simply put, I expected college to be fun and full with new experiences. I had completely disregarded the actual academic “school” part of college.   My […]

Sips Tea: How To NOT Be Problematic This Halloween

Breaking news: It rained on Monday! Granted, it wasn’t a downpour or even a storm, but there were clouds and a drizzle, so it counts. It’s always been funny to me that as soon as one drop of rain hits the USC campus, students scatter. There is often a spike in absences that day (myself […]

Diary of a Freshman: Going home for the weekend

Sometimes the past is not really the past. I learned this lesson last weekend. I decided to go home for the weekend because my friend was in town and we had made plans to go to our favorite event of the year: Halloween Horror Nights (HHN). Since the beginning of high school, we had gone together.  I […]

The Ethics of Driverless Cars

For those that haven’t been keeping track of the auto industry recently, it has become clear that autonomous vehicles will be a part of the future of mass transportation in this country. This view has been greatly bolstered by the September release of the first United States government guidelines on autonomous vehicles, which broadly outline […]

Ask Hahney: Networking

Q: Do you have any advice for networking with internship coworkers and professors in a meaningful way? Thanks! — Shy and struggling “Trojan family, trojan family, trojan family!!” If you didn’t hear this phrase more than 34647132 times during orientation, perhaps you were at a different school’s. USC has one of the strongest alumni networks I’ve ever […]