The DeeTs

Make this blog your go-to for everything from the best ways to stay fit during finals to exactly happens to our sun-soaked campus when it rains. Come for the tidbits, stay for our two-cents on college life at USC.

In the wake of the heat wave

After the sun beat down on us with no mercy last week, there are two must-have items you should make sure to take with you before walking out of the house this week: sunscreen and a water bottle. While walking back and forth between classes and being outside all day on game days, staying hydrated […]

Study spaces: 5 places that promote productivity

As the third week of classes wraps up, it’s safe to say that school is officially in full swing, which means beginning to prepare for that inevitable onslaught of midterms, group projects and papers that we’d rather not think about. Though Leavey Library’s infamous pastel-colored halls may be many a student’s choice of study prison, […]

Ask Tiffany: Celebrity worship, dorm dogs and iced coffee

Dear Tiffany, I am an active followers of all things Kardashian — Twitter, Snapchat, mobile gaming and occasional merchandise purchases. Does this guilty pleasure need to carry such a harsh social stigma? Can a person indulge in celebrity worship and still feel like a decent person with integrity? I know many intellectual, socially conscious people […]

Journeys and Destinations: The Amtrak Pacific Surfliner

Let’s be honest, California isn’t exactly known for its public transportation. However, the Amtrak Pacific Surfliner, which runs oceanside for 350 miles, finds a way to make the journey enjoyable. The train serves all of Southern California, with a total of 27 stops in convenient locations such as Irvine, Simi Valley and Santa Barbara. It’s […]

West Coast, best coast: Why you shouldn’t go East for college

Three months ago I watched my friends begin going through their closets, suddenly super stressed, meticulously trying to pick and choose the sweaters and jackets that they could manage to fit in their suitcases. I watched as their rooms started to fill with big, brown, paper boxes they had to ship across the country. I […]

New advice column Ask Tiffany: Got questions?

Dear readers, With her new advice column coming soon, blog columnist Tiffany Kuan is ready to take your questions and tackle your problems! From roommate situations to tips on breaking bad habits, Tiff is here to consider your case with wit, wisdom and a grounded set of values.  Submit your ethical quandaries to and […]

Six types of students you’ll find in every class

As the final day to add and drop classes is on the horizon and introductions are over, lectures and discussion sections are in full force. We’re slowly but surely remembering what it’s like to take notes, and we’re accepting that our first assignments are due in about a week or two. For most of us, […]