The DeeTs

Make this blog your go-to for everything from the best ways to stay fit during finals to exactly happens to our sun-soaked campus when it rains. Come for the tidbits, stay for our two-cents on college life at USC.

AI, Technology, and Sexism

Why is Siri female? Apple’s personal assistant on its devices has a voice that is distinctly female. We order Amazon Echo’s Alexa to perform the tasks that the we want. Microsoft’s Cortana, Google’s S Voice and countless other voice command software in GPS navigation systems, apps and websites are all programmed as female. There’s a […]

F45: New Class at the Lyon Center

If you use the group exercise classes at the Lyon Center like me, you may have noticed that with the spring semester came an addition to the workout class schedule. As my workout buddy and I were checking the times of our favorite SCycling classes, we noticed that a plethora of classes called F45 had […]

With a Twist: Writer’s Block

Writer’s block — we’ve all been there. Whether it’s the week before, night before or day of (hopefully not) your paper is due, staring at a blank screen with an empty mind is a terrible feeling. With midterms around the corner and new assignments underway, this is a crucial time to put forth your best […]

Sips Tea: Storms, Stress, and a Little Self Love

Rain, rain go away. Come again… nah. Stay away. I’m sure I speak for many people when I say that I would very much appreciate if the rain and general cloudy weather subsided. Last night after attending a master’s program informational session on the USC Health and Sciences campus, I stood outside in the rain […]

Vanity and Plastic Surgery in L.A.

Any time the song “Pumped Up Kicks” by Foster the People is on, I can’t help but add my own twist to the song: “All the other kids with the pumped up lips, better run, better run…” Who could blame me, especially living in Los Angeles? One simply has to open Instagram to see that […]

Ask Hahney: What’s the point of USG Elections?

  Dear (Hopefully) Young Reader, First, please go register to vote in your state if you haven’t yet. Beyond the USG elections, please vote for issues that directly affect your hometown, home state, federal government, etc. Political apathy does not sit pretty. Now, back to the question at hand — USG Elections. I’m going to […]

Monday Motivation

Where did the time go? Another week has passed by in what feels like a second. The craziness of the weekend has left me feeling tired and lazy. Not to mention my bedroom is a mess. I am a mess. I reflect on how I have not completed anything on my weekly checklist yet. Luckily, […]