Kettlebells serve as manifold weights

These days, exercise regimens tend to involve multiple dumbbells, barbells and machines. Exercise tools are great for their very specific functions, but that’s the problem, they can be too specific. Many people don’t have time or access to go to a gym full of these tools. For those stuck in this predicament, there is a […]

Disparate cultures diversify fried chicken

Fried chicken. The name evokes aromas of seasonings and savory meats. It might be a dish synonymous with fast food and humble beginnings, but for years, it has  provoked strong, gustatory emotions from people all over the world. In America specifically, fried chicken is most commonly associated with Southern soul food. Scottish immigrants first brought […]

Hollywood upholds erratic relationship with mythology

Sometimes you want a movie with a side of epic. The scale doesn’t get much grander than mythology, where gods and heroes battle for the fate of the world, and running off with another guy’s wife can bring down the wrath of Olympus. As such, American film and mythology seem like they would be Cupid-stricken […]

Nature artists combat contentious reactions

Sometimes art involves a little more than just painting on canvas and hoping to get displayed in a gallery. For the Bulgarian-born artist Christo, art means stretching 5.9 miles of fabric in suspended panels over 42 miles of the Arkansas River in Colorado. Recently approved by United States federal regulators and slated for completion in […]

Increase in females equalizes gaming

The image of the typical gamer has been something of a caricature: a rambunctious teenage male mashing buttons with his friends or a post-college mama’s boy cooped up in his parents’ basement. Most of us acknowledge these stereotypes as funny exaggerations, but the crux of their humor lies in a key assumption — gamers are […]

Hatha yoga works and heals the body

Anything in excess can be dangerous in the long run — even working out. Though exercise keeps your body strong and fit, continuous stress on your frame can result in physical problems you might not notice. This recently happened to me; I was beginning to feel sore from my regular routine. A friend recommended yoga […]

Mole brings LA families and cultures together

There’s probably no Mexican dish more gorgeous and historically rich than mole (pronounced “mo-lay”). The dish looks like muddy gravy but packs a scrumptious array of flavors. It’s a complex paste of miscellaneous earthy ingredients that takes a day to make. Rich in flavor and folklore, mole is a complicated dish because of the sheer […]

Alternative histories generate fuel for films

Sometimes it’s not the future that gets people buzzing, but the past. Though some films get derided for butchering history, others gleefully flaunt substitute narratives; these unapologetic deviations are often more acclaimed by critics and history buffs alike. Alternative history films are a small niche, but they encompass a lot of material; from Nazis to […]

Artists from coast to coast innovate media

Some time during the ’70s or ’80s, a man named Robert Leitch came across some curious-looking items on a curb. The objects, contained in boxes and bags, turned out to be intriguing, complex art pieces from things like coins, mirror fragments and cigarette packs. The artist, who has yet to be identified, has been dubbed […]

Nintendo hopes to rebound with alternative strategy

For decades, Nintendo has been one of the most successful video game companies in the world. But in terms of annual revenue, this year is turning out to be one of Nintendo’s worst. Last Thursday, Nintendo announced its staggering $925 million net loss for the first half of the fiscal year. Its total net loss […]