Rebuild routines to break dry spells

Having a consistent exercise routine is crucial for staying fit. But, in the hubbub of college life, it’s hard to maintain stable routines. For a couple months, a combination of birthday-related indulgences and a midterm-heavy schedule left me out of shape, with no time to exercise. Everyone knows it’s important to rebuild solid exercise habits, […]

Soybeans present unlikely mélange of dishes

Is there a legume more controversial than the soybean? It’s been accused of being Monsanto’s evil, earth-killing, bio-tech child, an allergy trigger, an impediment to proper development in infants, a duplicitous pouch of carcinogens and an emasculating testosterone leech. At the same time, soybeans are lauded as key to the longevity and slim characteristic of […]

Halloween flicks hold nostalgic, eerie thrills

As children, we embraced Halloween as a night of spooky thrills. We bravely tramped through the neighborhood, demanding candy and creeping past scary skeleton displays, only to shriek our heads off when the display turned out to be the neighbor’s evil teenage son. Today’s costumes tend to be more risque, and booze tends to replace […]

Los Angeles provides variety of spooky art

A Halloween weekend in Los Angeles is a little like trick-or-treating: Sometimes you get great candy, sometimes you get a rock. Your options this Halloween weekend might not seem like anything beyond a Halloween party or rave, but if you look hard enough, you can find plenty of fun, alternative and artsy ways to enjoy the […]

Cryptic games present Halloween alternatives

Watching scary movies, partying at raves or blasting blood-curdling sound effects at haunted houses aren’t the only ways to spend Halloween. For those who don’t have the time or interest to go meandering through haunted houses or dancing at crowded clubs, there are a few scary video games that can get your heart pounding in […]

Alcohol maintains a tenuous relationship with exercise

Drinking in college is a reality. Whether or not you choose to drink, alcohol pervades college campuses: tailgates, parties, 21st birthdays and other events can all get boozy. Alcohol is not just a social tool for college students; it can also have lasting effects on our bodies. Many fitness enthusiasts and body builders argue you […]

Trio of restaurants brings cultural diversity

Arts District was once a starving, dull blot east of Downtown Los Angeles spotted with industrial and railroad buildings devoid of human warmth. Almost a decade later, the Arts District has transformed into a vibrant neighborhood, rejuvenated by artsy hipsters who moved into renovated loft-style apartments and by numerous new restaurants that sprouted in the […]

Superheroes play elemental role in culture

Fans had waited for months. Then, on Oct. 11, it happened — the cinematic event of the month. Marvel released the teaser trailer for The Avengers. Directed by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Firefly), The Avengers features Iron Man, The Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow joining forces to fight evil. […]

The music world fuses with art realm

Art cannot be confined within a gallery or museum. It can, however, interact with the major icons and movements of popular culture and the music world. This year’s gala at the Museum of Contemporary Art, for instance, will feature Debbie Harry, the frontwoman from the group Blondie, as the special performer. Though it might seem […]

Violent video games hold hidden benefits

When Australia banned the new Mortal Kombat video game in February for its excessive violence, the decision ignited debate over the function of violence in video games and whether they promote aggressive behavior in players. The United States has had its share of speculation as well. In June, the United States Supreme Court rejected a […]