In Theaters Today

An Education This coming of age story, unlike any other, depicts the premature exposure of 16 year old Jenny (Carey Mulligan) to the sophisticated and seemingly glamrous world of glamorous 1960s London by a man twice her age (Peter Sarsgaard). Directed by Lone Scherfig and written by High Fidelity author Nick Hornby. Couple’s Retreat Vince […]

Friendship pitted against honesty in low-budget film

“Will you read my screenplay?” This question, sometimes edited slightly to involve reading a novel or viewing a piece of art, haunts friends of those in the creative industry. It is the ultimate test and requires an important decision: honesty or friendship? The new film The Blue Tooth Virgin — winner of the 2008 New […]

Voyeurism, narcissism and vanity thrive in ‘Public’

Before you could tag yourself in Facebook pictures, organize your Top 8 friends on MySpace or send @MileyCyrus a love tweet, there was a web pioneer in the ’80s and ’90s named Josh Harris, whose aggressive business tactics and eccentricities have been captured by director Ondi Timoner in the searing documentary We Live in Public. […]

Film depicts staggering truths through virtual world

This is not your average robot flick. There are no clinking metallic machines developing intelligence and trying to take over the world. Instead, the machines look exactly like, and are controlled by, humans. Humans are the agents of their own follies, even if the mistakes they make are through a synthetic being. This is reality […]