Shutter Island is good, but not Scorsese’s best

Now, the question here isn’t whether or not Shutter Island is a good film — because it most certainly is. The question, given the director’s glowing repertoire and ’06 masterpiece, is whether or not Shutter Island is a great film. All things considered, Shutter Island finds Martin Scorsese sorely out of his element. Teddy Daniels […]

Tourists and locals go wild at Carnevale

Our motto was “No man left behind,” but in an ocean of people packed like the Tokyo subway during rush hour, these efforts almost proved futile. Linking arms with my traveling companions, I attempted to squeeze through the crowds in Venice, Italy’s St. Mark’s Square. The people have gathered here for the Carnevale di Venezia […]

Scorsese directs, DiCaprio shines

Martin Scorsese has been behind the development of no small number of great actors. For instance, if it weren’t for him, Robert De Niro would not be the actor he is today. And, as the director’s new film Shutter Island will confirm, if not for Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio wouldn’t be one of the best actors […]

In Theaters Today

My Name Based on the autobiographical novel by Timothy B. Tyson, this drama follows the growig civil rights movement as racial upheavals tears apart a town in 1970s North Carolina when a court acquits the white murderers of a black man, despite the murder occurring in public view. The Good Guy If the thrills of […]

Unsophisticated ploys cheapen latest Polanski thriller

The Ghost Writer, controversial Oscar-winning director Roman Polanski’s newest film, was made under intense personal stress. Filmed in exile, edited under house arrest and released during complicated legal troubles, the resulting film is a claustrophobic, compelling thriller that feels only a little bit rushed. Some guys can’t write five-paragraph essays after their girlfriends break up […]