Chocolate options for every sweetheart

Valentine’s Day is as good of an excuse as any to dive into the candy jar. If you’re about to hop on the blood sugar rollercoaster, roll past those saccharine Peeps and Sweethearts and go for the good stuff — chocolate. From sweet and creamy to rich and silky, chocolate has as many textures and […]

An indie-rock mixtape for the post-love song soundscape

When popular music first turned to Tin Pan Alley songs of the 1920s, it was led by songwriting greats such as George and Ira Gershwin composing and penning, respectively, heartfelt ballads like “Someone to Watch Over Me” and “Embraceable You.” They were hopeful, elegant and dripping with uninhibited emotion. This tradition of the love ballad […]

Not just butterbeer for college Britons

The day has finally arrived when I can legally buy alcohol. No, I didn’t have a birthday, and I’m still only 20 — I’m in Europe. The United States is just one of a handful of countries that bans people from drinking before the age of 21, a move that eliminates not only alcohol consumption […]

Chadha’s latest film is not so Wonderful

In 2002, British director Gurinder Chadha delved into the complex world of the Indian ethnic identity in present-day England. Bend It Like Beckham — a film about a talented young Indian woman living in London with impressive soccer skills — places the main character’s European-influenced social life against the strict religious expectations of her Indian-born […]

In Theaters Today

From Paris With Love John Travolta returns to the action genre donning a baldhead for his role as an unconventional government agent and unleashes an energetic performance in this explosive tale about the CIA attempting to stop a terrorist attack at an embassy in the amorous French capital. Dear John Certain to bring tears to […]

Additional nominees a welcome change

For the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the idea of awarding a single film the coveted title of best picture of the year has always been complicated. Sometimes the right film wins, sometimes the wrong film wins and sometimes the wrong film wins a record number of Oscars. No matter which film eventually […]