London transplant hasn’t the foggiest

I have a confession to make. I am no longer a virgin to snow. During winter break, for two glorious days, I saw snow fall to the ground for the very first time. Contently watching from indoors while white powder peacefully rose above the windowsill like the ocean tide, the L.A. native inside of me […]

In Theaters Today

Extraordinary Measures: Newly formed CBS Films calls on Indiana Jones (Ford) and Encino Man (Fraser) to star in their first picture . The film’s T.V. spots promise to leave audiences teary-eyed and inspired by the story of a dedicated father’s fight to cure the rare disease afflicting his two children. Legion: In Legion, God apparently […]

Does Avatar deserve its Titanic appeal?

In 1997, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences gave a certain film 11 Oscars — Best Picture included — because it broke box office records, presented dazzling special effects and broke just about everyone’s heart with its true-to-life tragedy. In reality, however, it was a bad film that has not withstood the test […]

Coming soon: 2010’s brightest prospects

The year 2009 was a disappointment for movie lovers. It’s not because there were no good films to be seen — there were quite a few — but overall, most of the big-budget films from well-known directors stumbled, long-running franchises suffered from weak new installments and the good films passed us by unnoticed, lost amid […]