Top 20 albums of ’09

1. Phoenix – Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix V2 Records Released: May 26 Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is the best kind of record, the kind that slowly, insidiously seeps into your head and then takes up residence there, refusing to leave. A grower, in short, but one that proves itself more than worthy of all the attention. It’s […]

A decade of maverick filmmaking

Wikipedia states that to be considered an independent film, half the film’s budget must come from a source besides a major studio. But to hipsters everywhere, “indie” can either be annoying and pretentious or nihilistic and edgy. In any case, so-called indie film has come a long way in the last 10 years. This list […]

Reitman fails to ground himself in reality

Up in the Air ignores any statutes of limitation on making fun of the American economy and goes straight for the jugular — finding veins of comedy and drama within the plight of the American worker. With a director like Jason Reitman at the helm, Up in the Air is hardly typical as satire, and, […]

The future of LA is forever shapeshifting

Los Angeles is the future. Or, that’s what it used to be. Though the city is still part of the American myth of manifest destiny and upward mobility, Los Angeles is also part of a state that seems to be in a constant state of both disarray and innovation. Even the first introduction to the […]

Festival celebrates true ‘indie’ films

In the summer of 2007, Brad Bores, Rich Hooban and two other idealistic filmmaker friends piled into a 1988 Caprice Classic with an Eclair 16mm camera and drove from Ohio to New Mexico filming Soda Can Love. For two weeks, the crew took turns acting (as versions of themselves), filming (on re-canned stock) and watching […]