When ‘creeping’ on co-workers, keep as stealthy as possible

Since the advent of Facebook, the term “creeping” has become rather mainstream. For all you non-stalker types, Facebook creeping generally involves adding someone as a friend, browsing all 863 of their tagged photos, committing their favorite quotes to memory and then performing an advanced Google search on anyone you suspect could have been his or […]

German director remains one of cinema’s finest weirdos

This story might not be true, but it’s alleged that during the filming of Fitzcarraldo in 1982, the great yet insane Polish actor Klaus Kinski, fed up with months of grueling shooting in the jungles of South America, told his director he was escaping by boat up the Amazon and never looking back. Werner Herzog, […]

Herzog, Cage go off the deep end in ‘Lieutenant’

Take an eccentric director, add an eccentric star, and what’s the outcome? A truly bizarre film. In Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, the combination of Werner Herzog’s zany, metaphor-rich directing and Nicolas Cage’s over-exaggerated characterization produces a ludicrous yet somewhat fascinating film that both entices and befuddles the audience. Love or hate him, […]

Despite worthy attempt, play falls short in flavor

“Have you eaten yet?” is the way the Chinese greet each other, and that is the way Gloria B (Esther Scott) is greeted by Richie Po (Dennis Dun) in the play Po Boy Tango, written by Kenneth Lin and presented by the East West Players at the David Henry Hwang Theater in Little Tokyo. Forget […]

Comedy highlights quirky ensemble cast

Writer, director and producer Sebastian Gutierrez adds indie comedy to his long résumé of thriller and horror films with Women in Trouble. Premiered at the 2009 South by Southwest Film Festival, Women in Trouble, which was shot in only 12 days, captures the modern dilemmas of women in an almost satirical manner. Gutierrez uses the […]

Flower mart an evergreen LA fixture

Hidden in the grid of Downtown Los Angeles, the LA Flower District boasts the title of largest flower wholesale district in the country. Comprised of two main flower markets and individual stores, the district contrasts towering concrete structures with the overpowering smell of plants and people. The Southern California Flower Mart, located on Wall Street, […]