New releases: This week’s DVDs in review

Up Rating: PG Length: 96 min. Now available When film critics and audiences alike believed no animated film could top the incredibly innovative and heartfelt WALL-E, Pixar Animation Studios upped the stakes — again — with Up, the colorful, slightly more mature tale of misanthropic 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen (voiced by Edward Asner). A former balloon […]

Cluttered home pages call for November spring cleaning

When it comes to social networking, I consider myself a generous person. I am willing to click like there is no tomorrow, joining Facebook groups I don’t care about and becoming fans of things I’ve never heard of just so its owners can get one more popularity point. These are the sacrifices I make for […]

In your headphones

Dashboard Confessional Alter the Ending Vagrant/Interscope Now available Two years after the release of Dashboard Confessional’s last studio album The Shade of Poison Trees, singer/songwriter Chris Carrabba slips further into his Christian rock-tinged emo-project with Alter the Ending, 12 more tracks about promiscuous women, loneliness and the sweeping feeling of summer love. A free acoustic […]

‘Fire’ leaves audience charred

Theater is at its worst when it is self-consciously moralistic. The second we feel like we’re being preached to, the experience is ruined. Regrettably, such is the sorry case of Christopher Piehler’s The Triangle Factory Fire Project, which opened Nov. 5 at USC’s Bing Theatre. The show — the first of two shows this academic […]

Office turns quirks into irritating habits

Our mothers might say our quirks are what make us who we are; they give us “character.” Unfortunately, some quirks aren’t so charming and can sometimes manifest themselves as bad habits, which are notoriously hard to break. Sometimes, they are so deeply ingrained in a person’s behavior that turning them off is a nearly impossible […]